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جامعة الملك فيصل

كلية الصيدلة الإكلينيكية

 محرر المحتوى

Kareem El-Fass

 BSc (Pharm), Pharm.D
Educational Qualification
Dept. of Pharmacy Practice
Academic Rank

Dr. Kareem El-Fass holds a Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a Doctor of  Pharmacy (Pharm.D) from Alexandria University, Egypt. Dr. El-Fass combines practical  and academic experience; he has worked as an Oncology Clinical pharmacist and a  Supervisor/founder of the clinical pharmacy department in a leading clinical setting in Egypt.  Besides, Dr. El-Fass is distinguished for statistical analyses using different software  programs like R, SAS, Stata, and SPSS. He has attended several workshops and courses  about using R in clinical trials and SAS programming.  

Dr. El-Fass has completed a 9-months fellowship in Health Economics from ISPOR-Egypt  and Wifor Institute (Germany). Additionally, He was assigned as a reviewer for research  projects submitted for ISPOR Europe Conference 2020.  

Dr. El-Fass's primary research interest is pharmacoeconomic evaluation, pharmacoepidemiologic research on medication safety and medication use and pharmaceutical services research. 

Recent research activities: 

1. The impact of introducing a clinical pharmacy services program in the  hemodialysis unit in a facility with economic constraints. Reem Nagib, Kareem El Fass, Maha Abdul-Latif, Hoda Sakoury. (Abstract published in Journal of the  American College of Clinical Pharmacy 2020; 3(1),145-391) 

2. Evaluation of Spontaneous Adverse Event Reports for Osteonecrosis of the Jaw  (ONJ) Attributed to Denosumab and Zoledronic Acid Within the FDA Adverse  Events Reporting System (FAERS). Mohamed A. Mekkawy, Kareem El-Fass,  Reem Nagib Mohammad and Adel Abou-Ali (abstract published in 

pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 2017; 26(Suppl. 2): 3–636) 

حجم الصورة
A word from the Dean.pdfA word from the Dean140 KB 26/11/2023 07:32 ص
Alumni 2.pngAlumni 2468 x 26339 KB 09/02/2021 12:43 م
Alumni.pngAlumni468 x 26380 KB 09/02/2021 12:42 م
Exp. Edu. Manual v.2.6. May 2024.pdfExp. Edu. Manual v.2.6. May 20241368 KB 12/09/2024 11:09 ص
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Lexi-Comp.pngLexi-Comp936 x 662212 KB 09/02/2021 12:36 م