Dr. Md Kamrul Islam




































RANK: Assistant Professor




  •  Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia2014.

  • M.Sc. Civil  Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan,  2006.


  • B.Sc.  Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur,Bangladesh, 2002.









·     Assistant Professor July 2015 to date

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

College of Engineering

King Faisal University, Al-Hofuf, Saudi Arabia



·     Assistant Professor July 2007 to August 2015

Department of Civil Engineering

Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Bangladesh


·     Lecturer April 2003-June 2007

Department of Civil Engineering

Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Bangladesh


·     Graduate Academic March 2008 – October 2013

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of New South Wales


·     Project Engineer October 2006 to October 2007

Pacific Consultant International, Japan



·     Project Implementation Officer November 2002-March 2003

Directorate of Relief & Rehabilitation

Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, Bangladesh




Journal Papers


1)    Islam, M.K.; Vandebona, U.; Dixit, V.V.; Sharma, A., "A Bulk Queue Model for the Evaluation of Impact of Headway Variations and Passenger Waiting Behavior on Public Transit Performance,"  Journal IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Transactions and Magazine, vol.15, no.6, pp. 2432-2442,  Dec. 2014


2)    Islam, M.K.; Vandebona, U.; Dixit, V.V.; Sharma, A., "A Model to Evaluate Impact of Headway Variation and Vehicle Size on Reliability of Public Transit." Journal IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Transactions and Magazine, , vol.16, no.4, pp. 1840-1850,  Aug. 2015


3)    Islam, M.K.; Vandebona, U.; Dixit, V.V.; Sharma, A., “A Simplified Method for Performance Evaluation of Public Transit under Reneging Behavior of Passengers.” Journal of Transportation Research Forum, vol.54, no.3, pp.34-42, Fall. 2015


4)    Islam, M.K; “Evaluation of Impacts of Dispatch Headway Variability in Bus Transit Systems in A Simulated Route .” Journal of Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications (TTEA), vol.1, Issue3,  pp. 7-18, 2014


 Conference Papers


1)    Islam, Md. Kamrul, 2017, “A Simulation Model to Evaluate Impact of Vehicle Size and Dispatch Headway Variability on Passenger Loading and Reliability of Public Transit” paper accepted in the 52nd Annual Conference of Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Winnipeg, Canada, May 28-31, 2017


2)    Islam, Md. Kamrul  & Vandebona, U 2011, ‘Impact of Occupancy Profile for Waiting Time of Bus Transit Users’, in Transport Research Board 90th Annual Meeting (No. 11-3196).


3)    Islam, Md. Kamrul , & Vandebona, U 2010, ‘Reliability Analysis of Public Transport System Using Stochastic Simulation’, Paper presented to the 33rdAustralian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Canberra, Australia, 29 September -01 October.


4)    Islam, Md. Kamrul , & Vandebona, U 2010, ‘Effect of Bus Capacity on Headway Regularity and Passenger Load in a Simulated Bus Route’ paper presented to the Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research (CAITR) , Canberra, Australia, 28 September.


5)    Islam, Md. Kamrul , & Vandebona, U 2009, ‘Bus Transit Reliability Analysis Using  A Simulation Technique’, Paper presented to the Conference on Transport Scheduling and Disruption Handling, Prato, Italy, 17-19 September.


6)    Islam, Md. Kamrul , K, Khan, R, Ali, M, 2007, ‘Level of Service Assessment of Some Selected Railway Stations at Dhaka City of Bangladesh’, Proceedings of 9th International Summer Symposium of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 227-223.


7)    Islam, Md. Kamrul , & Khan, R, 2007, ‘Pedestrian Level of Service for Crosswalk at Some Selected Intersections in Dhaka City of Bangladesh’, Proceedings of 9th International Summer Symposium, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 227-223.


8)    Islam, Md. Kamrul , Ieada, H, Kijmanawa, K, Liqiang, M, 2007, ‘Visualization of Hierarchical System of Cities in East Japan Based on Supply and Consumption Behavior’, Proceedings of 7th Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies (EASTS) Conference , Dalian, China, pp.203-219.


9)    Islam, Md. Kamrul , & Ieada, H, 2006, ‘Development of Survey Methodology for The Visualization of Hierarchical System of Cities in Japan Based on Supply and Consumption Behavior’, Proceedings of the Eighth International Summer Symposium of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Nagoya, Japan, pp.211-214.