تخطي أوامر الشريط
التخطي إلى المحتوى الأساسي

جامعة الملك فيصل

كلية طب الأسنان


Research Excellence Award for Faculty Members at the College of Dentistry (King Faisal University):

The criteria for applying for the Research Excellence Award for Faculty Members in the College of Medicine are as follows:


2. The research work submitted must be completed while working at the university.

3. There must be an indication in the research of affiliation with King Faisal University.

4. The research must be published in journals indexed in Scopus.

5. The applicant must be the principal researcher in all research.

6. The applicant for the award must not be a member of the award's arbitration committee.

7. The works submitted for the award must have been completed during the three years preceding submission, and have not previously been awarded an award in previous years.

8. The person who received the award may not apply for the same award for the previous three years.

9. Submission for the award must be made within the specified period "announced for submission," and the award application form must be filled out.

10. All required conditions and documents must be met.

11. The award-granting body has the right to withdraw the award after granting it if it is proven that any of its conditions or the ethics of scientific research are violated, and the person from whom the award was withdrawn is not entitled to apply for it again.

Research Excellence Award for Faculty Members at the College of Dentistry (King Faisal University) 
Name of the facultyDepartment 
Category : During the last three yearsNumbers
1Number of papers published or accepted (ISI-journal) (Single Author). 
2Number of papers published or accepted (ISI-journal) (Lead Author). 
3Number of papers published or accepted (ISI-journal) (Co-Author). 
4Number of papers published by supervised students. 
5Number of published books (Single Author). 
6Number of published chapters in books (Single Author). 
7Number of  published books (Lead Author) 
8Number of  published chapters in books (Lead Author) 
9Number of working papers submitted for publication (not yet accepted). 
10Number of  international/National Conference presentations. 
11Total papers Citations [0- 500] 
12Total papers Citations [500 and above] 
13Number of academic papers reviewed for a scientific journal, 
14Number of scientific journal you are a member of their editorial board. 
15Number of times being guest editor of a scientific journal. 

Research Excellence Award for Students at the College of Dentistry (King Faisal University)

The criteria for applying for the Student Research Excellence Award at the College of Dentistry are as follows:

1. The student must be registered in the College of Dentistry (King Faisal University).

2. The applicant's cumulative GPA must not be less than 4 out of 5.

3. The works submitted for the award must have been completed within the two years preceding submission, and have not previously been awarded an award in previous years.

4. The researcher's affiliation with King Faisal University must be indicated in the research

5. The submitted research must be published in journals listed in the ISI and SCOPUS databases.

6. Submission for the award must be made within the specified period "announced for submission," and the award application form must be filled out.

7. All required conditions and documents must be met.

8. The person who received the award may not apply for the same award again during the following two years.

9. The award-granting body has the right to withdraw the award after granting it if it is proven that any of its conditions or the ethics of scientific research are violated, and the person from whom the award was withdrawn is not entitled to apply for it again.​
