الروبط المفيدة
ATP Innovations (ATPi)
http://www.smallbiz.nsw.gov.au/smallbusiness AusInvent Innovation Services http://www.atp-innovations.com.au/Ho...t.asp?MenuID=9 Austega's Gifted Resource Centre http://www.austega.com/gifted/ Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented Ltd. http://www.aaegt.net.au/ Australian Centre for Innovation and International Competitiveness Ltd. (ACIIC) http://www.ausinvent.com/ Business Enterprise Centres (BEC) Australia Inc. http://www.beca.org.au/ Business Innovation & Incubation: Australia http://www.businessincubation.com.au/ Caboolture Business Enterprise Centre Assoc.Inc. http://www.businessenterprise.org.au/ Center for Gifted Education http://www.cfge.wm.edu/ Flinders Technologies Pty Ltd http://flinderstech.flinders.edu.au/ Gifted and Creative Services Australia http://giftedservices.com.au Gifted Children http://www.gifted-children.com.au/ Gifted Education Research Resource and Information Centre http://gerric.arts.unsw.edu.au/ Gifted Resources http://www.giftedresources.org/ Innovation & Technology Australia http://www.innovation.org.au/ Innovation for Youth http://www.innovation.gov.au/index.cfm Learning Place site for the Learning and Development Centres - Gifted Education http://www.learningplace.com.au New South Wales, Department of State and Regional Development's new Innovation and Technology website http://www.innovation.nsw.gov.au/ Northern Territory Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented http://www.schools.nt.edu.au/gifted/ NSW (New South Wales) Small Business http://www.aciic.org.au/ NSW Assn for Gifted & Talented Children Inc. http://www.nswagtc.org.au/index.html Professional Association of Parents & Teachers of the Gifted http://www.proapt.net/ Queensland Academies http://www.qldacademies.eq.edu.au/ Talented Education http://scs.une.edu.au/TalentEd/ Tasmanian Association for the Gifted http://www.tased.edu.au/tasonline/tag/ Tasmanian Association for the Gifted Inc. http://www.tasgifted.org.au/ The Australian Association for the education of the gifted and talented http://www.nexus.edu.au/TeachStud/gat/gat.htm The Education of Gifted and Talented Students in Western Australia http://www.eddept.wa.edu.au/gifttal/ The Gifted & Talented Children's Association of WA (Inc.) http://www.gatcawa.org/ The Gifted and Talented Children’s Association of South Australia http://www.gtcasa.asn.au The Industry Development Centre http://www.idc-hunter.org.au/content/about.html The Innovation Centre, Tasmania, Department of Economic Development http://www.development.tas.gov.au/innovation/ The National Innovation Council http://www.innovation.gov.au/ The Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children Inc http://www.qagtc.org.au/ The Triton Foundation http://www.tritonfoundation.org.au/ University of Melbourne Research Innovation and Development Group http://www.research.unimelb.edu.au/ridg/ Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children Inc http://www.vagtc.asn.au Virtual School for the Gifted http://www.vsg.edu.au/ Western Australian Innovation Centre http://www.innovation.wa.gov.au/
Academic Talent Development Program at University of California - Berkley http://www-atdp.berkeley.edu/ Alabama Inventors http://www.inventala.org/ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) http://www.ascd.org/ Belin-Blank Center, University of Iowa http://www.education.uiowa.edu/belinblank/ California Association for the Gifted http://www.cagifted.org/ Carnegie Mellon Center for University Outreach http://www-pgss.mcs.cmu.edu/ncogs Carnegie Mellon Institute for Talented Elementary Students (CMITES) http://www.du.edu/education/ces/rmts.html Center for Gifted Education at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock http://www.ualr.edu/giftedctr/programs/master.asp Center for Gifted Education Policy http://www.apa.org/ed/cgep.html Center for Gifted Education Policy, American Psychological Association http://www.uiowa.edu/~belinctr/ Center for Innovation, Ina Mae Rude Entrepreneur Center, The University of North Dakota http://www.innovators.net/ Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University http://www.ctd.northwestern.edu Center for the Study of Innovation and Productivity http://www.frbsf.org/csip/ Christopher Columbus Awards for Children in 6th through 8th grades. Offered by Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation http://www.columbusfdn.org/ Davidson Institute http://www.ditd.org/public/ Digital Women http://www.digital-women.com/ Duke University Talent Identification Program http://www.tip.duke.edu/ Education World http://www.educationworld.com/special_ed/gifted/ Educational Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) at Stanford University http://epgy.stanford.edu/ Genius Denied http://www.geniusdenied.com/StatePolicy.aspx?NavID=6_0 GIFTED CHILDREN http://www.gifted-children.com/ Gifted Development Center http://www.gifteddevelopment.com Hunter College Center for Gifted Studies and Education http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/gifted-ed/ Indiana Association for the Gifted http://iag-online.org/ Innovation Institute http://www.innovation-institute.com/ Institute for Educational Advancement (The Gifted Resource Center ) http://www.educationaladvancement.org/ Intelligence Theory and Testing http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/ Invent Resources (IRI) http://www.weinvent.com/ Inventors Alliance for Northern California http://www.inventorsnorcal.org/ Inventors Association of Arizona (IAA) http://www.azinventors.org/ Inventors Forum http://www.inventorsforum.org/ Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Education Program http://www.ed.gov/offices/OESE/Javits/ Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation http://invention.smithsonian.org/ Jon's Home-School Resource List http://www.midnightbeach.com/hs/ Kentucky Association for Gifted Education http://www.wku.edu/kage/ Lenovo Innovation Centers http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/think/innovation/index.html Manoa Innovation Center http://www.htdc.org/incubation/MIC/ Massachusetts Innovation Center (MassInnovation) http://www.massinnovation.com/ Mega Foundation http://www.megafoundation.org/ Mensa http://www.mensa.org/home.php Microsoft Small Business Centre http://www.microsoft.com/smallbusiness/hub.mspx Mohawk Research Corporation http://www.mohawkresearch.com/ National Association for Gifted Children http://www.nagc.org/ National Business Incubation Association http://www.nbia.org/ National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Science, Mathematics, and Technology (NCSSSMST) http://www.ncsssmst.org National Excellence http://www.ed.gov/pubs/DevTalent/toc.html National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children http://www.nfgcc.org/ National Gifted Children's Fund http://www.ngcfcharity.org/ National Research Center on Gifted and Talented at the University of Connecticut http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/nrcgt.html National Research Center on Gifted and Talented at the University of Virginia http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/gifted/projects/NRC/ NCIIA-The National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance http://www.nciia.org Northeast Indiana Innovation Center http://www.niic.net/ Northwest Gifted Education Connection http://www.netc.org/web_mod/gifted_ed/ Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory http://www.nwrel.org/nwedu/fall%5F97/ Odyssey of the Mind http://www.odysseyofthemind.com Oregon Innovation Center http://www.innovationcenter.org/ Prisoners of Time http://www.ed.gov/pubs/PrisonersOfTime/index.html Riverside Center for Innovation (RCI) http://www.riversidecenterforinnovation.com/ Rocamora School, Inc. (for gifted and talented adults) http://www.Rocamora.org/Intro.html Siemens Westinghouse Math, Science and Technology Competition for High School Seniors http://www.siemens-foundation.org/competition/ Small Business Innovation Research http://sbir.er.doe.gov/sbir/ Small Business School http://www.sb2000.com/ Smart Business http://www.smartbiz.com/ Start UP Business http://www.startupbiz.com/ Technical Innovation Center, Inc. http://www.triz.org/tic.htm Tennessee Association for the Gifted http://www.tag-tenn.org/ The Association for the Gifted (TAG),The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) http://www.cectag.org/ The Cascade Small Business Development Center http://www.cascadesbdc.org/ The Center for Gifted Education at the College of Wm. & Mary/School of Education http://cfge.wm.edu/ The Center for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University http://www.wku.edu/Dept/Support/AcadAffairs/Gifted/ The Center for Talented Youth at the The Johns Hopkins University http://www.jhu.edu/~gifted/
Douance (In French) http://www.douance.org/
Centre for Voluntary Groups http://www.carmichaelcentre.ie/about/index.htm Cork Business Innovation Centre (Cork BIC) http://www.corkbic.com/html/innov_c.htm Guinness Enterprise Centre http://www.guinness-enterprisectr.com/ IBM/DCU Irish Science Olympiad 2002-2003 http://iso.dcu.ie/~iso/ Irish Association for Gifted Children (IAGC) http://homepage.tinet.ie/~iagc/iagc.htm Irish Centre for Talented Youth (CTYI) http://www.dcu.ie Irish Mathematical Olympiad http://www.ul.ie/~maths/imo.htm
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT), the Business Development Centre
National Centre for Technology in Education
Nova UCD Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre
Shannon Development
South East Business and Innovation Centre Ltd. (SEBIC)
Terenure Enterprise Centre
The Dublin Business Innovation Centre (Dublin BIC)
The Institute of Technology, the Business Innovation Centre (ITBIC)
The Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC)
The Small Firms Association (SFA)
WESTBIC -- the Business & Innovation Centre in the Border, Midland & Western region of Ireland
Advanced Engineering And Innovation Centre (AEIC) http://eng.iiu.edu.my/~cee/ Azure-IBM Business Partner Innovation Center (BPIC) http://www.azuretech.com.my/ Bureau of Innovation & Consultancy (BIC) http://web.utm.my/bip/ IBM Malaysia http://www.ibm.com/my/ Malaysian Entrepreneurship Development Centre (MEDEC) http://www.uitm.edu.my/acactr/medec/ Microsoft Small Business Centre http://www.microsoft.com/malaysia/sm...s/default.mspx National Innovation Centre (NIC) http://www.mosti.gov.my/opencms/export/ SIRIM Intellectual Property Services http://www.sirim.my/ The Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP) http://www.khtp.com.my/us/default.htm The Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS) http://www.minds.org.my/ The Malaysian Mensa Society http://www.malaysianmensa.org The National Association for Gifted Children, Malaysia http://www.nagcm.org/ The Penang Branch, Malaysian Mensa Society http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/6575/ Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),Bureau of Innovation & Consultancy (BIP) http://www.bip.utm.my/
Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) http://www.ace.org.sg/ Entrepreneurial society in Singapore Management University http://www.smu-ventures.com Genesis School for Special Education http://www.genesisschool.com.sg Intellectual Property (IP) Office of Singapore http://www.ipos.gov.sg/main/index.html Intellectual Property, Exchange Pte. Ltd. (IPEXL) http://ipexl.com/corp/ International Enterprise Singapore http://www.iesingapore.com/wps/portal Nanyang Technopreneurship Center http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ntc/home/ National University of Singapore Entrepreneurs Association (NUSEA) http://www.nusea.org/ NUS Entrepreneurship Centre http://www.nus.edu.sg/nec/ Singapore Entrepreneurs http://www.sgentrepreneurs.com/ Singapore Inventors' Development Association (SIDA) http://www.sida.org.sg/ Singapore Science Centre http://www.science.edu.sg/ssc/index.jsp Surf IP by IPOS (One stop Portal for IP in Singapore), Intellectual Property Office of Singapore http://www.surfip.gov.sg/ The Enterprise Challenge (TEC) http://www.tec.gov.sg/home1.htm The NUS Entrepreneurship Society (NES) http://www.nes.org.sg/ The Tan Kah Kee Foundation http://www.tkk.wspc.com.sg/tkk/found...ound_eng.shtml
Action for Bright Children (ABC) Calgary Society http://abccalgary.org Alberta Association for Bright Children http://freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/aabc Alberta Associations for Bright Children (AABC) http://www.albertaabc.org Alberta Inventors and Inventions http://www.abheritage.ca/abinvents/index2.htm Association for Bright Children (ABC) of Ontario http://www.abcontario.ca Association for Bright Children of Ontario, Halton Chapter http://www.hwcn.org/Information/educ...ton/index.html Association of Educators of Gifted, Talented and Creative Children in BC http://www.bctf.bc.ca Being Smart About Gifted Children http://www.beingsmart.ca/
Calgary Action for Bright Children (CABC) http://abccalgary.org Canada Foundation for Innovation http://www.innovation.ca/index.cfm Canadian Association of Business Incubation http://www.cabi.ca/ Canadian Business Service Centre http://www.cbsc.org/ Canadian Council for Exceptional Children http://canadian.cec.sped.org/ Canadian Innovation Centre (CIC) www.innovationcenter.ca/ Canadian Technology Network http://ctn.nrc.ca/ CEED - Centre for Entrepreneurship Education & Development Incorporated http://www.ceed.info/ Center for Enterprises and Innovation of Montreal (CEIM) http://www.ceim.org/english.html Community Futures Development Corporation http://www.communityfutures.ca/
Edmonton Association for Bright Children (EABC) http://www.edmontonabc.org Gifted & Talented Education Council http://www.gtecouncil.com/ Gifted education in Alberta http://www.educ.ucalgary.ca/altagift/ Gifted e-Learning Centre http://www.ldcsb.on.ca/elearning/gifted/index.html Hillhurst Community Elementary School Calgary (GATE Program for grades 4 to 6 (North GATE)) http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b218/gate.htm Innovation and Development Corporation (IDC) http://web.uvic.ca/idc/ Innovation Resource Centre (IRC) http://www.innovate.bc.ca/ Inventing in Canada www.inventros.ca/ Newfoundland & Labrador Association for Gifted children http://www.cdli.ca Ontario Gifted http://ontariogifted.org Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation http://www.ocri.ca/ Prince of Wales Elementary School Calgary http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b341/ Queen Elizabeth Junior & Senior High School Calgary (GATE Program for grades 7 to 9) http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b806 Shad Valley Centre for Creative Technology http://shad.ca/ Small Business Funding Centre http://www.grants-loans.org/ Special Education Services, Gifted Education, Ministry of Education, Government of British Columbia http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/specialed/gifted/ Technology NOW http://www.technow.ca/ The Association for Bright Children of Ontario http://www.abcottawa.cyberus.ca/ The Association for Bright Children, New Brunswick Chapter http://www.sjfn.nb.ca/community_hall/A/asso4180.html The Association for the Gifted of The Council for Exceptional Children for Ontario http://www.edgotago.com/ The Centre for Gifted Education at the University of Calgary http://www.ucalgary.ca/~gifteduc/ The Gifted Children's Association of British Columbia http://www.gcabc.ca/ The Leading Edge for Gifted Education (Canada) http://psas.bctf.ca/aegtccbc/index2.html The Thames Valley District School Board http://www.tvdsb.on.ca/gifted/ University Hill Secondary UBC, Vancouver (grade 7 - 12, completed in two years ) http://uhill-sec.vsb.bc.ca University Technologies International Inc. (UTI) http://www.uti.ca/ West Link Innovation Network Ltd http://www.westlink.ca/ Westmount Charter School http://www.abccharter.com/westmount2.html Yukon Technology Innovation Centre (YTIC) http://www.yukontech.ca/
British Columbia Innovation Council http://www.bcinnovationcouncil.com/ British Columbia Ministry of Education http://www.gov.bc.ca/bced/
مجلات عالمية
Creativity Research Journal
Lawrence Erlenbaum Associates
Mark A. Runco, Editor
Talent Development & Excellence International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence Prof. Albert Ziegler and Prof. Jiannong Shi, Editor http://www.iratde.org/journal/issues
Gifted and Talented International World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Taisir Subhi-Yamin http://journal.world-gifted.org
Gifted Child Quarterly National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Dr. Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, Editor http://www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id=979
Gifted Child Today Prufrock Press Susan Johnsen, Ph.D., Editor http://www.prufrock.com/client/client_pages/
Australasian Journal of Gifted Education Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented Wilma Vialle, Editor http://www.aaegt.net.au/whatwedo.html
Teaching for High Potential National Association for Gifted Children Jeffrey S. Danielian, Editor http://www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id=1498
Journal for the Education of the Gifted Ball State University Tracy L. Cross, Ph.D., Editor http://www.prufrock.com/client/client_pages/ prufrock_jm_jeg.cfm
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education University of Georgia Bonnie Cramond, Ph.D., Editor http://www.prufrock.com/client/client_pages/ prufrock_jm_jsge.cfm
Gifted Education International National Association for Able Children in Education Belle Wallace, Editor http://www.nace.co.uk
Roeper Review: A Journal on Gifted Education http://www.apa.org/ed/tblofcontents68.html
Gifted Education Press Quarterly Gifted Education Press Maurice D. Fisher, Ph.D., Publisher http://www.giftededpress.com