The Global MBA Program
It is our Pleasure to welcome you on to the site of the School of Business – Global MBA Program at King Faisal University (SBKFU).
The School of Business at King Faisal University (SBKFU) is delighted that you have decided to explore the SBKFU – Global MBA as one of your options. In a highly competitive market where you have many options available to you. It is essential that the investment in your personal and career development is a careful and informed choice.
Our School:
The School of Business at King Faisal University (SBKFU) was founded in 1984. The School provides high quality educational programs in Business and Economics focusing primarily on undergraduate instruction. With over 80 faculty and on average 3000 students, the School offers undergraduate programs and awards the degree of Bachelor of Science in one of the following majors: Accounting, Management Information Systems, Finance and Marketing. In 2009, the School of Business has started its two-year, Global MBA program. The primary objective of the Global MBA program is to provide students with advanced management knowledge, specialization and educational experience in essential areas of business.
Our Aim:
It is the aim of this School of Business to prepare students to become the business leaders of tomorrow. Moreover, to provide educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels that prepare students for the increasingly complex and globally competitive environment of the 21st century.
Our Strategy:
- Establish up-to-date and effective academic programs.
- Develop students’ skills, personalities and leadership capabilities.
- Build strong and positive links with governmental institutions, the business community in the country, and with regional and international institutions.
Our Objectives:
- Offer quality education to our students and develop student’s leadership and managerial skills.
- Integrate creative thinking and problem solving in the curriculum design.
- Provide state-of-the-art education and research facilities for students and faculty.
- Improve the learning resources for students and encourage community services by students and faculty.
- Build strong ties with public and private institutions.
- Retain highly qualified faculty and staff.
- Seek international accreditation and recognition and continually improve the quality of teaching, research, and service.