تخطي أوامر الشريط
التخطي إلى المحتوى الأساسي

جامعة الملك فيصل

كلية الصيدلة الإكلينيكية

Vision of the college


"To be a role model in pharmacy education and practice through scientific research and community engagement as a part of the global community of learning. "

Mission of the college

Providing quality education to prepare graduates capable to fulfil the needs of health system, and local market for evidence based (cost effective) patient-centered care and optimized medication management through community engagement, scientific research and innovation.


Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Department is responsible for teaching and research both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the areas of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Basic and clinical Pharmaceutics and Pharmacognosy and natural products. The Department is privileged to have  21, well qualified and experienced faculty members, 15 students and research labs.

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The mission of the Department is to excel in Pharmaceutical Sciences' education and research through collaboration with other departments and programs (IPE), to prepare life- long learners (students) having basic and applied  knowledge required for discovery, development, and rational use of pharmaceutical agents (all courses) for prevention and treatment of diseases (patient care)

Program Mission

To prepare graduate scientists who are excellent in the application of sound, critical, analytical and innovative scientific approaches to research in pharmaceutical industries and problem-solving in the core areas of pharmaceutical sciences.

Program Goals

  1. To prepare excellent graduate scientists who possess strong foundational coursework and cutting-edge research skills that advance knowledge in the core areas of the pharmaceutical sciences in an ethical and professional maner.
  2. To provide excellent opportunities for graduate students to develop and acquire new capacities in the conceptualization, design, conduct, analysis, interpretation and scientific communication of postgraduate research in pharmaceutical sciences.
