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King Faisal University

Institute of Studies and Consultations

 About the institute

Research and Consulting Institute contributes to the Sustainability requirements of Community Development. In fact, it provides considerable experience as well as all of KFU's scientific facilities, including research centers and qualified staff.

The Institute serves as a link between KFU and the local community environment. There is no doubt that science and knowledge are the basis to measure human progress and excellence. This can be achieved only through real engagement and collaboration of various parties, including scientific and research bodies in one hand, with the society's economic, social, and cultural structures in the other hand. Hence, the University Mission supported and encouraged such engagement with the community. Since its inception, in 1430 H, the Institute has been working on strengthening collaboration between KFU and various public, private, and international organizations in order to fulfill KFU strategic goals and achieve local development in various fields.

The institute carries out various activities and provides several services in the field of consulting, researches, scientific studies, and training programs. The institute is looking forward for strengthening partnerships and investment opportunities in order to transfer and localize knowledge, technology, and expertise to serve local and national community.
