The Physics Department owns several research devices used in the manufacture and analysis of samples, the most important are below
Atomic Force Microscope AFM
The Agilent 5500 AFM/SPM microscope offers numerous unique features, such as patented top-down scanning and unrivalled environmental and temperature control, while providing maximum flexibility and modularity. The universal microscope base permits easy integration with an environmental chamber or an inverted optical microscope. Sample preparation is made easy with our unique sample plates designed for your application including imaging in fluids. A top-down optical axis through the scanner allows an unobstructed view of the cantilever and the sample without sacrificing sample handling. The scanner’s modular nose cone makes changing imaging modes quick and easy. The Agilent 5500 SPM/AFM is a high-performance system that facilitates advanced applications solutions. It offers atomic resolution and is ideal for electrochemistry, polymers, and soft material applications
Nanofiber Electrospinning Unit
The Nanofiber Electrospinning Unit (NEU) can produce nanofibers from 50nm to 800nm in diameter. The biggest feature of the NEU is its ability to use electrospinning to easily produce nanofibers using small amounts of polymer.Currently, the use of nanofibers in the IT, Biotech, Healthcare and Fabrics industries is expected to increase dramatically, taking advantage of the increased surface area and fineness of materials and textiles made from nanofibers
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (TA Instruments Q800) is the world’s best selling DMA, for very good reasons. It utilizes state-of-the-art, non-contact, linear drive technology to provide precise control stress, and air bearing for low friction support. Strain is measured using optical encoder technology that provides unmatched sensitivity and resolution. With its unique design, the Q800 easily outperforms competitive instruments and is ideal for high-stiffness applications including composites
Precision Impedance Analyzers
The 4294A precision impedance analyzer is an integrated solution for efficient impedance measurement and analysis of components and circuits. The 4294A covers a broader test-frequency range (40 Hz to 110 MHz) with Basic impedance accuracy:+/-0.08 %. Excellent High Q/Low D accuracy enables analysis of low-loss components. The wide signal-level ranges enable device evaluation under actual operating conditions. The test signal level range is 5m V to 1 Vrms or 200 uA to 20m Arms, and the DC bias range is 0 V to +/-40 V or 0m A to +/-100m A. Advanced calibration and error compensation functions eliminate measurement error factors when performing measurements on in-fixture devices. The 4294A is a powerful tool for design, qualification and quality control, and production testing of electronic components. Circuit designers and developers can also benefit from the performance/functionality offered
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer
The UV-3600 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer is a new additional model in our product lineup of high-end UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometersThe UV-3600, a successor model to the UV-3150/3101, is a unique UV-VIS-NIR instrument that provides for optimum sensitivity from 185-3,300nm
Sputter Coater
The K575XD is a compact, dual head turbomolecular-pumped sputter coater optimised to deposit fine metal coatings for SEM, FEG-SEM and thin-film applications. The K575XD has two independent sputtering heads, which allows sequential sputtering of two metals without the need to break the vacuumThe sputter coating process is completely automatic, making the K575XD ideal for inexperienced or occasional users. The K575XD is fitted as standard with chromium(Cr) and gold (Au) targets, but a wide range of oxidising and non-oxidising metals are available
Automated Spin Coater
SCS P-6708 and P-6712 (12-inch bowl) desk top precision spin coating systems are designed for laboratory use and low volume production coating applications. They are designed to accurately apply a variety of liquid materials to planner substrates.