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King Faisal University

College of Science

The Committee for Development and Quality Assurance, its tasks are as follows:

  1. Follow-up of everything issued by the National Commission for Academic Assessment and Accreditation, the Deanship of Development and Quality Assurance on Quality and Development, and its dissemination to the various departments of the College.
  2. Identify the academic accreditation requirements and define the academic departments in the college with these requirements.
  3. Evaluate the quality of the educational, research and service process in the college (self-evaluation), through conducting surveys or surveys of individuals or beneficiaries.
  4. Spreading the culture of quality and introducing it within the college, through executing internal courses for students, faculty members, technicians and administrators.
  5. Studying the "student evaluation" reports, which be done by students of the college, and proposing  recommendations for each course, and discuss them with the head of department concerned.
  6. Prepare an annual plan to identify training needs.
  7. Supervising and following up "new faculty orientation" for the new faculty members.
  8. Proposing a mechanism to motivate excellence and creativity in the performance of the faculty members, and nominate them to apply for excellence awards at the college, university and community levels.
  9. Follow-up the submission of "Course reports"  CRs and "annual program report" APRs with the academic departments of the College at the end of each semester (or quarterly), and receive the final reports of the workshops held by the departments to discuss the reports of decisions and programs.
  10. Study the transactions referred by the Dean of the College to the Committee and give an opinion thereon, and make the necessary recommendations thereon.

KPIs for the Development and Quality Assurance Committee:

  1. Develop a plan to identify and implement the training needs of faculty members and technicians.
  2. Number of internal courses organized in order to spread the culture of quality and the definition of the requirements of academic accreditation or not.
  3. Prepare a mechanism to stimulate excellence and creativity in the performance of faculty members or not.
  4. Preparing the self-study reports SSRPs of every academic programs of the college.
  5. Percentage of courses evaluated by students.
  6. Number of programs that held workshops on discussing CRs according to the time set by Vice-President of  Academic Affairs.
  7. Number of programs that submitted the APR on the time set by Vice-President of  Academic Affairs.
  8. Students' assessment of the quality of the learning process in the S3.2 program.
  9. Overall student evaluation of the quality of the courses.
  10. Percentage of graduates who received a job within six months of graduation, completed their higher education, or did not seek a job opportunity or an opportunity for graduate studies.
  11. The percentage of beneficiaries' satisfaction of the activities of the Committee and its various activities.


Members of the College’s Development and Quality Assurance Committee for the academic year 1444/1445 AH:

1-Dr. Ahlam Ghaith Al-Mulhim, Head

2- Dr. Basma Abja Al-Hamid Sweih, member

3- Dr. Hoda Abdel Aziz Mohamed Ahmed, member

4- Dr. Mai Mustafa Khalaf Ali, member

 5- Dr. Ahmed Khalil Al-Sayed Khalil, member

  6- Dr. Saif Rahman Mondal, Member

  7- Dr. Waqas Alam Mir, Member

  8- Dr. Emad Abdel Aziz Ahmed, member
