Welcome to the College of Arts
Midterm exams schedule for the second semester 1442-1443
(University Blackboard requirements)
*Schedule of midterm exams for the second semester for university requirements
*Examination halls and columns
*Examination locations (female students)
*Examination locations (students)
Final exams schedule - second semester 1442-1443 AH
(College and major requirements)
*Final exams schedule for the second semester 1442
*Examination halls (for the second semester 1442-1443)
*(Coming soon) List of acceptable excuses to repeat for the final test
Schedule of final exams for the second semester 1442 and distribution of female students’ halls
First day
the second day
the third day
the fourth day
The fifth day
the sixth day
the seventh day
the eighth day
the nine day
The tenth day
the eleven day
The twelfth day
The thirteen day
Schedule of final exams for the second academic semester 1442 and distribution of halls (general preparation female students)
Exam halls for general preparation students
Link to services for receiving excuses for absence from final exams (male and female students)
Click to get the code
*University final requirements exam schedule (Blackboard) for the first semester 1442-1443
Schedule of final exams for university requirements courses for all male and female students of university colleges for the first semester of the university year
1443/1442 AH
time | Gregorian date | Islamic History | the day | Course Name | Course number | no |
From 9 to 11 am
From 12 to 2 pm | 20/12/2021 | 16/5/1443 | Monday | Medication: type and use | 1900112 | 1 |
Islamic ethics and professional ethics | 1900103 | 2 |
7401317 |
From 9 to 11 am
From 12 to 2 pm | 21/12/2021 | 17/5/1443 | Tuesday | Research skills | 1900110 | 3 |
discipline and family behavior | 1900107 | 4 |
social system in Islam | 7401401 |
From 9 to 11 am | 22/12/2021 | 18/5/1443 | Wednesday | Doctrine and doctrines | 1900101 | 5 |
faith and doctrines | 7401101 |
From 9 to 11 am | 23/12/2021 | 19/5/1443 | Thursday | Islamic culture | 1900102 | 6 |
issues | 7401301 |
12 to 2 pm | Basics of entrepreneurship | 0602-233 | 7
General instructions for each student before entering the examination hall
You must wear the official uniform for every test. If you do not do so, you will not be allowed to enter the test.
You must bring your national ID/university card for verification. Failure to do so will not allow you to enter the selection. You must arrive 20 minutes before selection
The test time is only two hours
Adhere to the instructions for filling out the answer sheet.
Restriction to a place
The test date announced by the college.
Adherence to precautionary measures