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البريد الإلكتروني
أعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفون
أعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفون
College of Business Administration
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محتوى الصفحة
The School of Business administration was established in the academic year 1404 Ah in 1984 under the name of the College of Planning and Administrative Sciences with the aim of preparing scientifically and practically qualified administrative cadres to contribute effectively to the realization of Saudi Arabia's aspirations towards its development in various economic sectors.
The school has sought to improve the quality of its educational outcomes, taking into account numerous competitive options across the region and the Kingdom, has strengthened relationships with business organizations in the external environment and adopted a comprehensive review of the study plans for its six departments based on best practices, international reference comparisons, national academic accreditation standards (NCAAA) and U.S. Global Accreditation (AACSB).
In line with the standards mentioned, the School has adopted the qualification of its students to obtain local and international professional certificates such as CMA, CFA, OJC, and the Department of Finance has been able to obtain the recognition of the Institute of Certified Financial Analysts (CFA), this achievement for King Faisal University count as the first Saudi university and the fourth Arab university to receive the recognition of the Institute of Certified Financial Analysts (CFA).
The College is also working to achieve its mission of establishing community partnership by focusing on applied scientific research and providing some awareness lectures in the fields of business and looks forward to more in this regard.
In conclusion, I can only express my thanks and gratitude to all those who contributed to the development of the college and the achievement of its goals, and I ask God to help us to serve this majestic scientific organisation and achieve the aspirations and aspirations of our guardians and the management of our university.
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