1. Supervising and follow-up of joint research projects to ensure achieving international quality standards in the area of joint scientific research.
2. Preparing and submitting of periodic reports on the actual performance of the joint research projects.
3. Coordinating and communicating with major researchers regarding their joint research projects.
4. Disseminating and supporting of joint international scientific research culture throughout the university sectors to encourage staff members to submit innovative research projects with added value to the university and the community.
5. Cooperating with the scientific chair unit and other administration units regarding joint researches.
6. Offering developmental projects that to achieve University excellence in joint international scientific research.
7. Issuing publications, booklets, and multimedia information to disseminate news and achievements of joint research projects.
8. Cooperating and communicating with research project evaluators concerning the follow-up of the joint research project periodical reports.
9. Giving support to the Administration Units in preparing and follow-up of supported research projects, contract projects, investment and developmental projects to ensure quality control according to observed scientific standards.
10. Offering consultation to researchers and those in charge of research projects concerning the principals and mechanisms of project management and their quality control.
11. Monitoring and documenting the university on-going programs and projects pertaining to ICKEA’s mission and objectives, keeping full information about them, documenting the stages and results of their implementation, and evaluating their output.
12. Preparing the unit's annual report.