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King Faisal University

Financial Planning and Budget Administration

General Administration of Planning and Budget
The General Administration of Planning and Budget is considered one of the main and important departments of the university, which is concerned with everything related to the planning process, its follow-up, and the preparation of annual reports, as well as the preparation of the university’s draft budget and disbursement plan, and the implementation of financial commitments, as well as carrying out the work that falls within the field of its competence that is entrusted to it by the university’s senior management.
Management tasks and powers:
A - Planning Department:
1. Participate with the competent authorities in preparing the five-year plan for university development and propose time programs related to the implementation of the university’s approved operational plans once they are notified by the Ministry of Economy and Planning.
2. Participate in workforce planning and estimate the university’s needs for individuals with specific skills and specializations in a future period of time and determine the best ways and sources to provide those needs.
3. Preparing the annual report to follow up on the implementation of the plan in accordance with the requirements of the Ministries of Economy and Planning and Higher Education.
4. Preparing the annual report on the university’s activities and achievements during the academic year and having it approved by the University Council in order to submit it to the Higher Education Council.
5. Collect, audit, classify and display statistical data on everything related to the university’s various activities and conduct statistical analysis.
6. Preparing periodic statistical brochures according to the models notified by the Ministry of Higher Education for university students and the workforce.
7. Providing the concerned and official authorities with data, statistics and information about the university.
8. Carrying out any other work assigned to it and falling within the scope of its competencies.
B - Budget management:
1. Discussing and studying the draft budgets submitted by university authorities before including them in the university’s draft budget.
2. Preparing the university’s draft budget with its four sections (salaries, allowances, and wages - operational expenses - programs and contracts for operation, maintenance, and cleaning - projects) to be presented to the university council along with any explanatory memorandums or explanatory reports, and to provide it to the Ministry of Finance.
3. Preparing all information and data related to the university’s draft budget with its four chapters in accordance with the instructions and forms issued by the Ministry of Finance in this regard.
4. Participate in discussing the draft budget with the Ministry of Finance, respond to any inquiries, and provide it with any additional information or clarifications about the project.
5. Notifying the financial allocations for the items and programs of the university’s approved annual budget projects to all university agencies.
6. Preparing a disbursement plan to distribute the items, programs and projects of the four sections of the budget.
7. Submitting a periodic report to the university director on following up on spending on budget sections in direct coordination with the university’s financial administration.
8. Participate in preparing models for modifying the functions of administrative and technical formations at the university that are submitted to the Ministry of Civil Service.
9. Participate in preparing the classification and coding of approved jobs in the formations of faculty members, teachers, administrative, technical, health, employees, and workers.
10. Implementing financial commitments for all sections of the budget, taking into account the necessity of prior commitment before approving any disbursement or adjustment to the expense account.
11. Continuous follow-up to motivate university departments to quickly complete related transaction procedures so that they can be disbursed before stopping spending on budget items.
12. Preparing financial studies and memos transferred to the administration by the university’s senior management.
13. Preparing the financial memorandums necessary to issue ministerial decisions for transfers between items, programs and projects of the university’s budget.
14. Carrying out any other work assigned to it and falling within the scope of its competencies.

for more information :
  You can contact Mr. Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al-Musallam (Director General of Administration)
Live (0135895533)
Fax (0135896686)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Ahsa 31982 - P.O. Box: 380
