and steps for preparing a draft budget for university entities
The entity’s draft budget includes all detailed data related to realistic
human and financial estimates of actual needs, for all items, programs and
projects of the four sections of the budget, after presenting it to the
College Council for the university’s faculties for approval. As for the
supporting deanships, main and executive departments, and scientific and
research centers for approval by the owner Authority, provided that the
Planning and Budget Department is submitted annually according to the dates
specified by the Ministry of Finance, which prepares the university’s draft
budget in accordance with the directions of the university’s senior
management and its approval by the university council, according to the
following procedures and steps:
First: Chapter One (Salaries, Allowances, and Wages).
A) New job needs for faculty members, teachers, administrative, technical
and health staff:
Determining the positions required to be created at the level of each
entity at the university, stating the justifications for requesting the
creation of faculty positions in light of the approved positions for each
entity, while adhering to the ratio (student/professor) for each faculty in
accordance with the instructions of the plan (1:17) for scientific colleges,
(22:1). ) For theoretical colleges, and for the colleges of medicine,
dentistry, and pharmacy (1:5) according to Model No. (1).
B) The current status of the approved positions budget:
It is determined by the Deanship of Faculty Affairs and the Personnel
Affairs Department according to the following:
1- A detailed statement of the position of the positions occupied at the
time of preparing the draft budget, indicating the job title, job rank and
number, name of the occupant, nationality and gender, basic monthly salary,
legally due allowances, and the entity affiliated with it.
2- A detailed statement of the vacant positions at the time of preparing
the draft budget, indicating the job title, rank, number, and the entity
affiliated with it.
3- A statement of university employees who are eligible for promotion, and
for whom there are no vacant or suitable positions available in the approved
job budget according to Form No. (2).
4- A statement of the jobs whose titles are requested to be modified,
raised, or transferred to another party other than those approved for them,
in coordination with each entity at the university and the Planning and
Budget Department according to Form No. (3).
5- A detailed statement of those appointed on lump sum salaries, indicating
the job title, the name of its occupant, the monthly salary, nationality, and
the entity for which he works.
6- A detailed statement of those appointed to the wages section, indicating
the job title, category, name of its occupant, basic monthly wage, legally
prescribed allowances, nationality, annual bonus payable, and the entity to
which the employee is affiliated.
7- A detailed statement of the number of contractors whose services are
expected to be terminated during the next year from the positions of
teaching, health, technical and administrative staff members and employees,
as well as those appointed to the items of lump sum salaries and workers’
wages... as well as the period of service and the salary or wage according to
which the end-of-service reward is calculated.
Second: Chapter Two (Operational Expenses).
Care must be taken to clarify the foundations and criteria for preparing
realistic estimates of the needs of each entity at the university regarding
the items of this section, and the justifications for requesting them and
arranging them according to the importance and priority of their
implementation... provided that copies of the contracts (rent of classrooms -
subsistence - supply... etc.) and agreements concluded with valid foreign
scientific bodies and organizations should be attached. The effect relates to
the provisions of Chapter Two, in addition to any documents that support the
request for those needs according to Form No. (4).
Third: Chapter Three (operation, maintenance and cleaning programs and
It includes the following: maintenance and cleaning of buildings,
facilities and facilities, maintenance and operation of devices and
computers, maintenance of equipment, air conditioning devices, calculators,
typewriters, medical devices, laboratories, etc., at the level of all
university entities, provided that each entity prepares a detailed statement
of the contracts concluded and in effect, pertaining to this section,
indicating the name of it. The contractor or implementing company, the
subject of the contract
Its value, the start and end dates of the addition to the new
works expected to be implemented during the next year and the special value
study for each new contract for those whose value is 5,000,000 riyals or
more, according to what was stated in the letter of His Excellency the
Minister of Finance No. 10/2/35269, dated 7/20/1422 AH (attached (Including a
copy of all valid contracts related to this section) according to Form No.
Fourth: Chapter Four (Projects).
A - The university entities shall provide the University City
Administration and the Projects and Public Services Administration with the
proposed new projects so that these two departments can list all the new
projects required in the draft budget for all university entities, provided
that each project is accompanied by a value engineering study for
implementation, operation and maintenance over the life of the project, in
accordance with As stated in the circular of His Excellency the Minister of
Finance No. 10/2/35269 dated 7/20/1422 AH.
B - All projects being implemented at the university are inventoryed in
coordination between: the Projects and Public Services Administration, the
University City, and Financial Affairs... so that their statement includes:
the project number and name, the total approved cost for it, and the actual
spending position on it specified by The Ministry of Finance is expected to
spend it on each project during the next fiscal year, analyzing the project
balance allocated for future years for the work required to be implemented...
provided that sufficient justifications are mentioned in the event that the
total required for the project exceeds the total appropriation allocated to
it, and a special value study for each project according to Form No.
God bless ..