The colleges website developing committee aims to
1-Work on the preparation of two interfaces for the location of the college and in both languages (Arabic and English) for all the different departments of the college.
2-Review the College website (Arabic - English) and update the content periodically.
3-Inclusion of study plans and the content of courses for the departments of the college and in both languages.
4-Provide students of the college for the bachelor's and postgraduate studies with all important and useful information about the college and to include them on the site.
5-Documenting the faculty's capabilities, equipment, etc. (in photographs) so that they can be used when necessary.
6-Demonstrate the various activities of the College on the site and update continuously.
7-easy access to the sites of personal faculty members by including their addresses, biography and scientific research.
Committee Chair
Dr. Adel Elmandouh