Al Lily, A. (2019). Repressed talents. European Conference on Education. UK.
Al Lily, A. (2019). The dialectical relationship between education and technology. International Conference on Research in Teaching, Education & Learning. Singapore.
Al Lily, A. (2018). Idiocy-Dominated Organisations. Workshop. New Zealand. Number of Participants: 20.
Al Lily, A. (2018). Education v. Technology. Workshop. New Zealand. Number of Participants: 18.
Al Lily, A. (2019). Institutional Stupidity. Workshop. Germany. Number of Participants: 21.
Al Lily, A. (2019). The Idiocy of Academia. Workshop. Italy. Number of Participants: 13.
Al Lily, A. (2019). Talentedness in Rural Areas. Workshop. Italy. Number of Participants: 130.
Al Lily, A. (2018). Attended. Global Educational Supplies and Solutions. UAE.
Al-Mohammed, H. (2017). How to Judge Special Awards?. Education Conference Pioneering and Creativity. Qatar.
Al Lily, A. (2016). Crowd-authoring: A new approach to academic research and publishing. Workshop. New Zealand.
Al Lily, A. (2016). The Institutionalisation of graffiti in higher education institutions: Saudi innovation. The Seventh Annual Gulf Comparative Education Society Symposium Innovation and Transformation. Kuwait.
Al-Mohammed, H. (2016). Presented. Foresight and Planning for Innovation and Excellence. Oman.
Al Lily, A. (2015). The Social shaping of educational technologies in Saudi Arabia. Teaching, Learning and E-learning Conference. Hungary.
Al Lily, A. (2015). The tribe of educational technologies. Education and Humanities Academic Conference. Spain.
Al-Mohammed, H. (2015). Presented. The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF). US.
Al Lily, A. (2014). The culturalisation of educational technologies: An enquiry into Saudi Arabia. Global Conference on Education Conference. US.
Al Lily, A. (2014). Who controls whom? History and educational technologies. International Conference for Academic Disciplines. Italy.
Al-Mohammed, H. (2014). Presented. Strategic scientific research. UAE.
Al-Mohammed, H. (2014). Presented. Intel Science Competition Arab World. Qatar.
Al Lily, A. (2013). Player or played? Politics, actors and educational technologies. The 1st Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology 2013. Japan.
Al Lily, A. (2013). Trapped between the research culture and the context culture: A challenge to research students of educational technologies. 4th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Development. Bulgaria. Number of Participants: -.
Al Lily, A. (2012). Structure, Structure and Structure. Workshop. UK. Number of Participants: 14.
Al Lily, A. (2012). The role of educational technologies in addressing social imbalance. STORIES Conference. UK. Number of Participants: -.
Al Lily, A. (2012). The role of educational technologies in linking the Saudi male and female campuses. Losing Momentum? Current Challenge in Learning and Technology Conference. UK.
Al Lily, A. (2012). When worlds collide!. Kaleidoscope Conference. UK.
Al-Mohammed, H. (2012). Presented. 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. UK.
Al-Mohammed, H. (2012). Presented. The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF). US.
Al Lily. A. (2011). Physically Separate yet Technologically Connected. Workshop. UK. Number of Participants: 12.
Al Lily, A. (2011). The use of educational communications technologies to connect male and female campuses in Saudi academia. Kaleidoscope Conference. UK.
Al Lily, A. (2011). Educational communications technologies across the public and private regions of social life in Saudi academia. STORIES Conference. UK.
Stoeger, H. (2010). Detecting Gifted Children in Pre-School. Workshop. Saudi Arabia. Number of Participants: 50.
Ziegler, A. (2010). The Impact of Praise on Student Motivation. Workshop. Saudi Arabia. Number of Participants: 32.
Cash, R. (2010). Enrichment Courses. Workshop. Saudi Arabia. Number of Participants: 160.
Aljughaiman, A. (2010). Be Creative Programme. 6th International World Creativity Festival. South Korea. Number of Participants: -.
Aljughaiman, A. (2010). Evaluation of Math and Science Summer Enrichment Programmes in Saudi Arabi. Building Mathematical and Scientific Talent in the BMENA Region. Jorden.
Shaqroon, Q. (2010). Adaptation a la langue arabe de la version francaise de la Batterie Perdictive de I’apprentissage de la lecture. ARIC Conference. Switzerland.
Al Lily, A. (2010). On-line and under veil: Technology-facilitated communication and Saudi female experience within academia. STORIES Conference. UK.
Al Lily, A. (2010). Struggling to research what cannot be researched. Our Journeys: Learning Through Research Conference. UK.
Aljughaiman, A. (2009). The Oasis Enrichment Model. World Council Conference. Canada.
Shaqroon, Q. (2009). Representation des agents de I’Etat des forms de violence et de maltraitance des enfants. Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. France.