تخطي أوامر الشريط
التخطي إلى المحتوى الأساسي

جامعة الملك فيصل

مركز الدراسات المائية والبيئية


النشر العلمي 

لمركز الدراسات المائية والبيئية

  • Muhammad Munir, Abdul Ghafoor, Nashi Alqahtani and Zafar Iqbal. Comparative Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in Selected Date Palm Cultivars and its Significance for Food Safety. Pak. J. Bot., 2024, 57(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2025-1(30).
  • Al-Khateeb, S.A.; Zeineldin, F.I.; Elmulthum, N.A.; Al-Barrak, K.M.; Sattar, M.N.; Mohammad, T.A.; Mohmand, A.S. Assessment of Water Productivity and Economic Viability of Greenhouse-Grown Tomatoes under Soilless and Soil-Based Cultivations. Water 2024, 16, 987. doi.org/ 10.3390/w16070987.​
  • Zeineldin, F.I.; Turk, K.G.B.; Elmulthum, N.A. Modified Surface Drip Irrigation and Hydraulic Barrier Impacts on Soil Moisture andWater Productivity for Tomatoes in a Greenhouse. Water, 2024, 16, 2926 doi.org/10.3390/w16202926.​
  • Khalid G. Biro Turk and Faisal I. ZeineldinWater Security in Saudi Arabia. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-46716-5_4.​​
  • ShamseddinM. Ahmed, Hassan A.Dinnar, AdamE. Ahmed, Azharia A. Elbushra and KhalidG. Biro Turk. A Deeper Understanding of Climate Variability Improves Mitigation Efforts, Climate Services, Food Security, and Development Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa. Climate, 2024, 12, 206. doi.org/10.3390/cli12120206.​​
  • Abdul Ghafoor, Hayfa Habes Almutairi, Munthir Almoslem, Saifullah, Khalid Turk, Muhammad Munir, Faisal Zeineldin, Shafaqat Ali. Assessment and Modeling of the Vulnerability of Regional Aquifers to Anthropogenic Perturbations. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2024, 25(7), 398–409.
  • Elmulthum, N.A.; Zeineldin, F.I.; Al-Khateeb, S.A.; Al-Barrak, K.M.; Mohammed, T.A.; Sattar, M.N.; Mohmand, A.S.Water Use Efficiency and Economic Evaluation of the Hydroponic versus Conventional Cultivation Systems for Green Fodder Production in Saudi Arabia. Sustainability 2023, 15, 822. doi.org/10.3390/su15010822.
  • Khalid G. Biro Turk, Mohammed A. Alsanad. Estimation of water consumption and productivity for wheat using remote sensing and SEBAL model: A case study from central clay plain Ecosystem in Sudan. Open Agriculture, 2023; 8: 20220230.​
  • Khalid Guma Biro Turk, Abdulrahman O. Alghannam, Faisal Ibrahim Zeineldin. Monitoring of hourly carbon dioxide concentration under different land use types in arid ecosystem. Open Life Sciences, 2023; 18: 20220534https://doi.org/10.1515/biol-2022-0534.
  • Khalid Turk, Faisal Zeineldin, and Abdullah S. Aljughaiman. Mapping and Assessment of Evapotranspiration Over an Oasis in Arid Ecosystem Using Remote Sensing and Biophysical Modeling. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72543-3_92.
  • Faisal I. Zeineldin, Yousef Al-MolhimPolymer and deficit irrigation influence on water use efficiency and yield of muskmelon under surface and subsurface drip irrigation. Soil and Water Research, 16, 2021 (3): 191–203. doi.org/10.17221/94/2020-SWR​.​​
  • Khalid Turk & Faisal Zeineldin1 & Abdullah S. Aljughaiman. Mapping and assessment of evapotranspiration over an oasis in arid ecosystem using remote sensing and biophysical modelling. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021. 14:2052. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-08415-2.​
  • Faisal Zeineldin, Khalid Biro, Abdulrahman O. Alghannam. Influence of Natural and Artificial Soil Conditioners on Water Holding Capacity and Hydraulic Conductivity of Sandy Soils. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 2021, 5(2), 219-227.​
  • K. Biro, F. Zeineldin1 M. R. Al-Hajhoj H. A.Dina, ESTIMATING IRRIGATION WATER USE FOR DATE PALM USING REMOTE SENSING OVER AN OASIS IN ARID REGION. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2020. 51(4):1173-1187.​​​
  • Effects of Date Palm Biochar on Growth, Yield and Photosynthetic Capacity of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Under Glasshouse Conditions. M Munir1, MR Alhajhoj, Maged EA Mohammed, HS Ghazzawy, MM Elgarawany, MS El-Habbab, FI Zeineldin and AM Al-Bahigan. E-ISSN: 2221-7630; P-ISSN: 1727-4915. Pak. j. life soc. Sci. 2020, 18(1): 7-16.​​
  • Khalid G. Biro Turk, and Abdullah S. Aljughaiman, Land use/land cover assessment as related to soil and irrigation water salinity over an oasis in arid environment. doi.org/10.1515/geo-2020-0103 received July 4, 2019; accepted March 17, 2020.
  • Khalid Biro, Zeineldin, F.I., Al-Hajhoj, M.R. 2020.  Estimating irrigation water use for date palm using remote sensing over an oasis in arid region.  The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural sciences. Volume 51, issue (3).
  • Khalid Biro, Zeineldin, F.I., , M.R. 2019.  Mapping and assessment of evapotranspiration over an oasis in Arid Ecosystem using remote sensing and Biophysical Modeling. Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences. November 25, Tunisia​ ​
  • ​Khalid Biro, Zeineldin, F.I., Al-Hajhoj, M.R. 2019.  Satellite-Based water status assessment for date palm in Al-hassa oasis, Saudi Arabia.  International Journal of water Resources and Arid Environments 8(1):61-69. ​
  • Zeineldin, F. I., Khalid Biro and Mohammed Refdan Al-Hajhoj. 2018. Impacts of artificial and natural soil conditioners on water holding capacity and hydraulic conductivity of sandy soils.  AgEng conference ,Wageningen, Netherlands, July 8-12, 2018.​
  • El-Mahmoudi, A. S, Hussein, A.H and Al-MolhemY.Y. (2015). Mapping of Soil Salinity Using electromagnetic Inductive Method at the Agricultural Research Station of KFU, Al Hassa, KSA. J. Eco. Env. & Cons. 21 (1); pp. (91-101).​
  • Hussein A. H., El-Mahmoudi A. S. &A. A. Al Naeem (2015). Assessment of the heavy metals in Al Asfar Lake, Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia., Water Environment Research Journal, Vol. 87.,pp.1-11.
  • El-Mahmoudi, A. S, Hussein, A.H and Al-Molhem, Y. (2015). Agricultural Geophysical Investigations at the Agricultural and Research Station of KFU, Al Hassa, KSA. The 28th Annual Symposium on the Applications of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP),Austin, Texas ,USA.​
  • Hussein A. H, El-Mahmoudi A. S., and Al-Dakheel, Y.Y, A (2015). Hydrochemical studies of groundwater in al hassa oasis, eastern region saudi arabia . The 30th Meeting of Saudi Biological Society which convened at Tabouk, KSA, 7-9, April, 2015​
  • El-Mahmoudi, A. S, Hussein, A.H and Al-MolhemY.Y. (2014). Modern Techniques for Mapping Soil Salinity and the Hard Pan Layer at the Agricultural and Research Station of KFU, Al Hassa, KSA. The Proceedings of the 6h International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments (ICWRAE6),16-17 December, 2014, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 218-226.​
  • Sabbagh, S., El-Mahmoudi, A. S, and Al-Dakheel,Y.Y. (2014). Waste Water Sterilization by Cobalt Co – 60 for the Agricultural Irrigation: A Case Study. International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, vol. 3(1), 11-18.​
  • El-Mahmoudi, A. S, Hussein, A.H, Al-Dakheel,Y.Y. and Massoud, M.A. (2014). Integration of Remote Sensing, Sedimentological, Chemical Investigations and GIS to evaluate the environment of Al Uyoun Evaporation Lake, Al Hassa, KSA. International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, vol. 3(2), 84-95.​
  • El-Mahmoudi A. S., Y. A. Al-Molhem &Hussein A. H. (2014). Agricultural Geophysical implications at the Agricultural and Research Station of KFU, Al Hassa, KSA. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Symposium on the Applications of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Boston, MA, USA , 17-21, March 2013,(Extended Abstract), 4 p.​
  • El-Mahmoudi A. S., Al-Dakheel, Y.Y, Hussein A. H, Massoud, M.A,. (2013). Geoelectrical Imaging of the hardpan layer at the Agricultural and Veterinary Training and Research Station of KFU, Al Hassa Area. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Symposium on the Applications of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver, Colarado ,USA, 17-21, March 2013,(Extended Abstract), 4 p.​
  • Zeineldin, F. I. and K. M. Al-Barrak. 2012. Reused water and hardpan impacts on alfalfa water demand and use efficiency, Saudi Arabia. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, issue 69. Page 1009-1014 ​
  • El-Mahmoudi A. S., Al-BarrakKh.M., Massoud, M.A,. ., (2011). 2-D Electrical Tomography for Mapping of Aquifers at the New Campus of King Faisl University, Al Hassa, KSA. International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, vol. 1(6), 397-410. Massoud, M.A, Al-Dakheel, Y.Y. Hussein, A. H and El-Mahmoudi A. S., (2011). Spatial Decision Support System for Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Evaluation in Al-HassaInternational Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, vol. 1(6), 457-468.​
  • Massoud, M.A, Al-Dakheel, Y.Y. Hussein, A. H and El-Mahmoudi A. S., (2011). Spatial Decision Support System for Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Evaluation in Al-Hassa. The 4th InternationalConference on Water Resources and Arid Environments (ICWRAE 4), 5-8 December, 2010, Riyadh, KSA.
  • ​Massoud A. Massoud, Y.Y. Al-DakheelA.H.A. Hussein, and A. A. Al-mahmoudi (2011). Spatial Decision Support System for Drinking water quality monitoring and evaluation in Al-Hassa. The International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments (ISSN: 2079-7079), vol. 1(6)457-468.​
  • El-Mahmoudi A. S.,(2010). Mapping of Aquifer Contamination Using Geoelectric Resistivity: Case Studies. The International Conference on Hot Arid Regions,(IECHAR 2010), Al-Ahsa, KSA, May 1-2, 2010.​
  • El-Mahmoudi A. S.,(2010). Mapping of Aquifer Contamination Using Geoelectric Resistivity: Case Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hot Arid Regions,(IECHAR 2010), Al-Ahsa, KSA, May 1-2, 2010, pp. 197-205.​​
  • Zeineldin, F. I. and Yousif J. Aldakheel. 2010. Evaluation contribution of ground shallow water table to irrigation of date palm trees under irrigation reduction in Saudi Arabia. International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (ICCCE 2010).  Page 342-345
  • El-Mahmoudi A. S., Massoud, M.A, Al-DakheelY.Y.and Hussein, A. H, (2009). Studies of Al Asfar & Al Uyoun evaporation lakes Water quality and the potential of its reuse in agriculture activities, Al Hassa area, KSA. The International Conference on Water Conservation in Arid Regions, Jaddah, 12-14 October, 2009,Theme One : Water Resources in Arid Regions.​
  • Hussein, A.H.A. (2009). Improving Nitrogen Fertilizers Efficiency in soil by using Nitrification Inhibitor (DMPP). Alex. Science Exchange J., 30(1):45-56.​
  • Hussein, A.H.A. (2009). Impact of Sewage Sludge as Organic Manure on Some Soil Properties, Growth, Yield and Nutrient Contents of Cucumber Crop. Journal of Applied Sciences. 9(8):1401-1411.​
  • Hussein, A.H.A., Y.Y. Al-Dakheel, M.A. Massoud and M. Shahin (2008). Evaluating different types of irrigation water and its effect on level of heavy metals in soil and plant in Al- Hassa Oasis, KSA. WSTA Eighth Gulf Water Conference3-6 March, 2008, Kingdom of Bahrain, D/11, 13pp.​
  • Hussein, A.H.A. (2008). Impact of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on khalas date palm cultivar yield, fruit characteristics, leaves and fruit nutrient content in Al- Hassa Oasis, KSA. J. Environmental Sciences Mans. Univ., 35: 33-48.​
  • Hussein, A.H.A. (2008). Combined effects of farmyard manure (FYM) and elemental sulfur (S) on soil chemical properties, growth, yield, leaf water and nutrient contents of corn plant grown on sandy clay loam soil. Alex. Science Exchange J., 29 :( 3), 175-185.​
  • Al Safarjalani, A..M., Al-Dakheel, Y.Y. and El-Mahmoudi, A. S. (2008). Natural Radioactivity Levels for Groundwater In Al Hassa, KSA. WSTA, Eighth Gulf Water Conference “Water in the GCC Towards an Integrated Water Resources Management”3-6 March, 2008, Kingdom of Bahrain. Proceedings conference C1-8,.23p
  • Shahin, M. and A. H. A. Hussein (2005). Effect of Irrigation Water Quality on cadmium content in some soils and plants grown in the Al Hassa Oasis (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Al-Azhar J. Agric. Res., 42: 61-74.​
  • Elprince, AM Modeling chemical transport in the soil environment: State-of-the art. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 68, April 2005.​
  • Zeineldin, F., Y. Aldakheel. 2004.  Reduction of Agricultural Water losses by combining Effects of soil layering and Pre-hydrated Polymer. Second International conference on water resources and arid environment. Riyadh, KSA. ​
  • Elprince, A M. FRH: A software for the estimation of fertilizer recommendation for Al-Hassa date palm cultivars. A report submitted to SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation). Water Studies Center, King Faisal University, Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia, 2004.​
  • Elprince, AM. Effect of pH on the growth and inorganic composition of Salicomia plants in seawater cultures. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 67, February 2003.​
  • Elprince, A.M. National fertilizer program for date palm: Al Hassa phase Final report (5 volumes; 1999-2003) submitted to SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation) Water Studies Center, King Faisal University, Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia, 2003. ​
  • Elprince, Adel M, and Yousef Y. Al-Dakheel "Georeferencing Irrigation And Drainage Networks Using Advanced Spatial Technology", Water Studies Center, 2003.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and Y. Al-Dakheel. Modeling chemical speciation of plant nutrients in salt marsh soil. International conference on Mangrove and salt marsh soils. ERWDA, Dubi, UAE, 2002.​
  • ​Al Saeedi, A. H. and A M. Elprince, "Modeling Solute Transport in the Soil Underground Water Complex". WSC KFU, 2001.​
  • Elprince, A. M. and M.A. Hussin. 2001 Spatial variability of the solubility product of soil-CaCO3 : A pure nugget effect. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 59, March 2001.​
  • Elprince, A. M. and M.A. Hussin. 2001. Spatial variability of the soil salinity. A proportional effect semivariogram model. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 60, May 2001.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and A. H. Alsaeedi. 2001. Mapping soil salinity using geographical information systems spatial variability and map projection. International Symposium on Prospects of Saline Agriculture in GCC Countries. International Center for Bio-saline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai, UAE, March 18-20, 2001.
  • Alsaeedi, A. H., M. A. Massoud, M. ShahinA. Hussein, M. Yousif and A. M. Elprince (2000). Selection of sites for field fertilizer trials in a Date Palm region. Proceedings of the Date Palm International Symposium, Windhoek, Namibia, 22-25 February 2000.​
  • Elprince, A.M. 2000. A logistic model for seed germination in Salicornia King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 56. June 2000.​
  • Elprince, A.M. 2000. A composite model for plant nutrient calibration curves. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 55, April 2000.​
  • Elprince, A.M. Critical nitrate levels for Salicornia growing with seawater. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 54. Feb 2000.​
  • Al Saeedi, A. H., M.A.Massoud, M. Shahin, A. Hussein, M. Yousif, and A.M. Elprince 2000. Selection of sites for field fertilizer trials in a date palm region. Date Palm Inter. Symposium; MinistAgri, FAO, Windhoek, Namibia, 22-25 Feb. 2000.
  • Al Saeedi, A. H. and A. M Elprince. 2000. Critical phosphorus levels for salicornia growth. Agron J.93.236-345.​
  • Al Saeedi, A. H. and A. M. Elprince, "The Use of DRAINKIM in Assessment of the Re-use of Drainage Water in Al Hassa Oasis", Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Meteorology, Environment and Arld Land Agriculture Sciences, Vol. 11, pp. 1-115, 2000.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and A H. Alsaeedi 1999. Critical phosphorus levels for salicornia growth. King Faisal Univ. Water Studies Center, Bulletin 46, March 1999.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and A.H. Alsaeedi 1999. Critical nitrate levels for salicornia growth. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 46, August 1999.​
  • Al Saeedi, A. H. and A M Elprince 1999. Leaching requirement conceptual models for reactive salt. Plant and Soil 208: 73-86.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and AH Alsaeedi 1999. Assessment of soil phosphorus and potassium in Al Hassa region. King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 50, March 1999.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and A.H. Alsacedi 1998. National Fertilizer Program for Date Palm King Faisal Univ., Water Studies Center, Bulletin 49, October 1998.​
  • Al Saeedi, A. H. and A M. Elprince. Salicornia irrigated with seawater: I. Modeling chemical speciation and availability. Presented at the conference on halophytes organized by KAST at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 2-23, 1998.​
  • Al Saeedl, A. H., "The Response of Salicornia to Fertilizer under Irrigation with Sea Water: A Pots Experiment"; Alex. Journal of Agriculture Research. 42 (2) pp 187.193, 1997.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and AH. Alsaeedi 1997. Fertilizer development for Salicornia irrigated with seawater: Phase 1. Critical nutrient levels for Sallcomia. King Faisal University, Water Studies Center, bulletin 41, March 1997.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and AH Alsaeedi 1997. Chemical reagents for the standard methods of water, soil, and plant analysis. King Faisal University, Water Studies Center, bulletin 43, May 1997.​
  • Elprince, A.M. and A. H. Alsaeedi 1996. Model prediction of the chemical composition of drainage water and its suitability for irrigation King Faisal University, Water Studies Center, bulletin 40, October 1996.​
  • Nabulsi, Y.A. and G. Hussain, "Applicability of Gypsum Blocks and Soil Moisture Cells under Al-Ahsa Condis, WSC-KFU, 1992.​
  • ​Abderrahman, W. and Y.A Nabulsi, "Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration of Date Palm Under severely arid conditions: A Case study"; Presented to 3rd Symposium on Date Palm, Date Palm Research Center, and K.F.U. 1991.
  • Hussain, G. and Y.A. Nabulsi, "Effect of saline drainage water irrigation on windbreak trees and soil chemicals Properties"; Presented on International Conference on Agricultural Mang, In Salt Affected Areas AGADIR, Moroccpril 22-28, 1991.
  • HUSSAIN, G. and Y.A. Nabulsi, "Al-Ahsa Oasis: Potential of Irrigated Agricultural Problems and Management Alternatives"; Centre for Desert Studies, Riyadh Untv. Oct. 1989.
  • ​Hussein, G., M.H. Badawi and Y.A. Nabisi, "Water requirements for reclamation of salt affected soils in Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia"; Arid Soil Res. 3(3) 1989.
  • Turjoman, A. M., "Unifying Evaluation Theory in Water Resources Planning": Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1988.

  • Helweg, O. J. "Mainer Functions as a Model of Crop Yield vs. Applied Water": Proceedings, Irrigation Systems for the Twenty-First Century, 1988.

  • Al-Sheikh, A. M., O. J. Helweg, and A. Alajaji. "Choices Between Micro and Main Frame Computers": Proceedings, Irrigation Systems for the Twenty-First Century, 1988.

  • Helweg, O. J. "Functions of Crop Yield from Applied Water": Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, 1988.

  • Helweg, O.J., "The General Well Function"; Ground Water, 1988.

  • Hussain. G., and A. M. Al-Sheikh, "Effect of Drainage Water on Wind Break"; Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Winter Meeting 1987.

  • Alajaji, A N. and O. J. Helweg, "Fourier Series as a Prediction of Pan Evaporation", WSC-KFU, 1987.​

  • HelwegO. J. "Effect of the Planning Approach on Implementation"; Water Resources Bulletin, 1987.

  • Al-Sheikh, A. M, M. Al-Basher, and O. J. Helweg, "Economic Analysis of the Traveling Trickler System", ICID Bulletin, 1987.

  • El-Khashab, A. M., "Pressure Fluctuations on the floor of Hydraulic Jumps"; Proceedings, National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Williamsburg, 3-7 August 1987.

  • Alajaji, A., A. M. Al-Sheikh, and O. J. Helweg, "Modified CIMIS Irrigation Scheduling Program": Proceedings of the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and Engineering Hydrology Symposium, 1987.

  • El-Khashab, A. M, and O. A. Benduheash, "Comparative Discharge Performance of Side and Normal Weirs"; Proceedings of the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and Engineering Hydro Symposium, 1987.

  • El-Khashab, A. M, and A. Alajal, Theorecital Flow Model for Drop Structures"; Proceedings of the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and Engineering HydrolSymposium, 1987.

  • Helweg, O. J. and El-Khashab, "Evaluating the General Well Function" Proceedings of the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and Engineering Hydrology Symposium, 1987.

  • Turjoman, A. M., O. J. Helweg and G. Hussain, 'Spread Sheet Models to Facilitate and Drainage Project Formulation": Proceedings, Irrigation Systems for the Twenty-First Century, 1987.

  • AL-Besher, A., "Nonlinear Economic Models for Crop Production Proceeding, Irrigation Systems for the Twenty First Century, 1987.

  • AL-Besher, A., "Nonlinear Economic Models for Crop Production Proceeding, Irrigation Systems for the Twenty First Century, 1987.​

  • Al -Besher, A., and O. J. Helweg, "Economic Emitter Spacing for Movable Irrigation Systems"; Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, Submitted for Review, 1987.

  • El-Khashab, A M., O. J. Helweg, and A. Al-Besher, "Modeling Materials for Protecting Earth weirs, Proceedings of the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and Engineering Hydro Symposium, 1987.

  • Makki, Y., G. Hussain, O. J. Helweg and W. Alvarado, "The Effects of Palm Leaf Mulch to Conserve Soil Moisture"; Al Khafi, March 1987.

  • Helweg, O. T. and A. Al-Besher, "Large Scale Soil Conservation Systems with Matrix Overlays"; Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Winter Meeting 1987.

  • Al-Sheikh, A. M, M, Al-Besher, and O. J. Helweg, "The Economy of Irrigation Water Conservation for Center Pivot": Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural Engineers,ter Meeting 1987.

  • Helweg, O. J. "Evaluating the Traveling Trickler Center Pivot"; Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage sion, ASCE, 1986.

  • Turjoman, A. M, and O. J. Helweg, "Water in Engineering" A Chapter in Water and Life, Published by the University Of Khartoum in Arabic, 1986.

  • Turjoman, A. M, and O. J. Helweg, * Descriptive Structure for Water Resources Planning"; Water Resources Bulletin, 1986.

  • Uan-Un. T., and O. J. Helweg, "Nonlinear Reservoir Analysis with Risk-Benefit Objectives", Journal of the International Water Resources Association, 1986.

  • Helweg, O. J. and A. M. El-Khashab, "A Microcomputer Solution to Find Critical Depth"; Proceedings From Water and Its Resources in Qassim, Qassim Saudi Arabia, 31 March-2 April 1986.

  • Alajaji, A. O. J. Helweg A. Al-Naim, and S. Al-Barrak, "Rating Curves for Adjustable Tricklers": Proceedings, Irrigation Systems for the Twenty-t Century, 1986.

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M, and O. J. Helweg, "Optimal Well Spacing With the Fibonnaci Search", Journal of Engineering Sciences. 1986.

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M., "Pressurized Irrigation Systems, Anglo Egyptian Publishers: Cairo; 1986.

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M., "Criterion for Deposition of Sediment Transported in Rigid Boundary Channels"; Proceedings, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 1986.​

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M, and Otto J. Helweg "Determination of Control Points in Specially Varied Open Channels"; International Conference on Water Resources Needs and Planning in Drought Prone Areas, Khartoum, Sudan, 12 December 1986.

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M, and Otto J. Helweg "Criterion for Deposition of Sediment Transported in Rigid Boundary Channels": International Conference on Water Resources Needs and Planning in Drought Prone Areas, Khartoum, Sudan, 6 - 12 December 1986.

  • Helweg, Otto J., Ghulam Hussain, and am Abdul-Mannan Turjoman, "Analyzing Irrigation Site Selection Data by Matrix Overlays"; International Conference on Water Resources Needs and Planning in Drought Prone Areas, Khartoum, Sudan, 12 December 1986.

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M. "Hydraulic Model Studies on Silt Exclusion"; Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering 1986. Helweg, Otto L. and Ahmed M. El-Khashab, "Microcomputer Applications in Water Resources"; KFU PRESS, 1986.

  • Helweg, Otto J. and John M. Mc Clung, "A Comparison of Urban Runoff Lumped-Parameter Models Using Sparse Data"; Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, 1986.

  • Turjoman, Abdul Mannan, and Otto J. Helweg, "Evaluation a Wheat Production Function With Multiple Inputs", Agronomy Journal, 1986.

  • Helweg. Otto J. and Ahmed Alajaji. "Directory of water Resources Experts, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia"; water Studies Centeport, 2. 1986.

  • Turjoman, Abdul Mannan, and Otto J. Helweg, "Traveling Trickler Center Pivot Design: water Forum 86, ASCE, Long Beach, California, 5 - 7 August 1986.

  • Helweg, O. J. "Modification of the Step Drawdown Test for Pump Selection"; Water Forum 86, ASCE, Long Beach, California, a -7 August 1986.

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M., and Otto J. Helweg, "Optimal Design of Multi-Outlet Pipes for Irrigation systems"; Proceedings of the Symposium of Water and Its Resources in Qassim, 31 March-2 April 1986.

  • Turjoman, Abdul-Mannan, "Cost Allocation in Water Resources projects"; Proceedings of the Symposium of Water and Its Resources in Qassim, 31 March-2 April 1986.

  • Helweg, OJ, and A. El-Khashahb, "Reservoir Routing with Spread Sheets; Proceeding of the Symposium of Water and Its Resources in Qassim, 31 March - 2 April 1986.

  • HRH Prince Mughrin Bin Abdulaziz, Mohammed Al-Besher, and Otto J. Helweg "Optimal CROP Water Requirements: Proceedings of the Symposium of Water and Its Resources in Qassim, 31 March-2 April 1986.​

  • Alajaji Ahmed, "Evaluating Small Farm Irrigation Efficiency: Proceedings of the Symposium of Water and Its Resources in Qassim, 31ch-2 April 1986.

  • Hussain, G., O. J. Helweg, and A. Alajal. "The Effect of Climatic Variations on Agricultural Water Requirements"; Proceedings of the Symposium of Water and Its Resources In Qassim, 31 March-2 April 1986.

  • Al-Basher, Abdullah and Otto J. Helweg, 'Optimal Crop Inputs by Quadratic Programming": Ninth Symposium on the Biological Aspects of Saudi Arabia, Riya24-27 March 1986.

  • Turjoman, Abdul Mannan, Otto J. Helweg, and Kadhim Khalil, Analysis of Factors Effectors Wheat Yield"; Ninth Symposium on the Biological Aspects of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 24-27 March 1986.

  • El-Khashab, AM, and O. J. Helweg, "Use of Spread Sheets in Water Resources Planning"; Proceedings, Irrigation Systems for the Twentyst Century, 1986.

  • Helweg, o. J., and Ahmed El-Khashab, "Application of the Step Drawdown Test in Pump Selection Conference, University of Petroleum and Minerals, vol 4,15-19 November 1985.

  • AL-Basher, Abdullah, Helweg, O.).  Ahmed Alajaji "Nonstructural methods Encourage Irrigation Efficiency": Second Saudi Engineers Conference, University of Petroleum and Minerals, VOL 4, 15-19 November 1985.​

  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M., "Unsteady Spread of Buoyant Surface discharge proceedings of the Symposium of Environmental Protection and Management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, University of Abh7-10 April 1985.
  • El-Khashab, Ahmed M., "Form drag Resistance of Two Dimensional stepped steep open channels"; Tenth Canadian Conference of Applied Mechanics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2.7 June 1985.
  • Helweg O. J. "Water Resources planning and Management". JoWiley: N.Y., 1985.​
  • Sabat, M. H., and Helweg, O.). "Cost Effective Operation of Urban Water Supply System Using Dynamic Programming": Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 21, No. 1,February 1985.
  • Sharma, P. N.  Otto, J. , "Problems with Traditional mall Reservoir Irrigation Systems in the Semi Arid Tropics"; Transactions, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1984.
  • EL- Khashab, Ahmed, M., "Two Dimensional Analysis of Sloping Submerged outfalls"; Proceedings of the 1st. International Conference on Hydraulics Design in water Resources Engineering, University of Southampton, England, April 1984.
  • ​​Helweg, O. J. "Water supply study for the King Faisal University Experiment Station", water Studies center Report 1, 1984 2.
  • Helweg, O.J., "Using Center Pivots for Research";Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, 1958.​
