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King Faisal University

Center Of Document & Administrative Communication

The new electronic administrative lifeline at King Faisal University:
The Administrative Communications Center is the official communication link between the university and the outside world and the official communication link between the university’s units with each other. Most of the activity in the administrative apparatus is represented in a group of operations such as: editing transactions, reports, or the like, recording them, and delivering them. These transactions are transferred from the administration to... To another and from one device to another and end up being saved in files; As a reference when needed.
The above-mentioned processes must be characterized by simplicity, speed and accuracy, as follows:
1 - Take into account that the primary goal of incoming and outgoing mail procedures is to quickly deliver the transactions to the specialist on the day they are received or issued.
2 - The primary goal of registration is to record a clear and correct statement of each transaction; To facilitate its follow-up, and to determine the responsibility of the administrative apparatus, the duties of employees, and the rights of stakeholders.

**Difficulties of traditional paper work:
There are a number of difficulties in traditional paper work, which are summarized as follows:
-The time, effort, and high cost of completing traditional paper work
-Difficulty retrieving documents and the information they contain
-Single entry search and inability to search multiple entries
-Difficulty in letting more than one employee know about the same transaction at the same time
-The lack of a mechanism to follow up on the progress of work
-Lack of unification and codification of the work method in processing incoming and outgoing mail and follow-up between the various compliant university units in the colleges, supporting deanships, research and scientific centers and departments.
-Low efficiency in performing work
-Complexity in implementing the processing of incoming and outgoing mail and following up on incoming mail that requires an outgoing response
-Difficulty identifying who is at fault and who is responsible for delaying work and rewarding excellence

For this reason, King Faisal University seeks; To benefit from advanced technologies for processing external transactions (outgoing and incoming) as well as internal transactions (internal outgoing and internal referrals); to quickly process incoming and outgoing mail, and to follow up on transactions and circulate them electronically between various colleges, supporting deanships, scientific and research centers, and university departments. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, among users, in an effort to reach a paperless environment and ensure the confidentiality of documents and the information they contain, with the aim of speeding up the time required to complete tasks and improving the effectiveness of employees through quickly retrieving documents and information electronically in a timely manner and with the required accuracy; To serve decision makers.
The new electronic transactions system to be implemented - God Almighty willing - at King Faisal University is a system that provides advanced and integrated solutions to address administrative communications requirements in a modern and flexible manner that can be installed in a standard manner or customized according to the requirements and nature of work. The university, represented by the Center for Documentation and Administrative Communications, has made major and fundamental modifications to building systems to suit the vision and mission of the Center for Documentation and Administrative Communications and the future aspirations of the university.
The new electronic transactions system is based on FileNet software from IBM, which is a superior ready-made infrastructure concerned with comprehensive content management operations that include electronic archiving management applications, business process management, electronic forms, electronic document management, content search, and other applications that include All basic administrative communications functions, general, private and advanced, support a paperless work environment and accessibility via the Internet.

****Functions of the new electronic transactions system:
The new electronic transactions system performs a number of functions, which are as follows:
-Recording incoming and outgoing transactions and internal referrals
-Print and read bar code stickers on transactions
-Scanning transactions and archiving an electronic copy of them
-Applying different levels of confidentiality to transaction documents and data
-Transferring the electronic copy of transactions between various colleges, supporting deanships, scientific and research centers, and university departments, on the one hand, and on the other hand, between users according to the powers given to the users and based on a pre-defined work map.
-Linking all incoming and outgoing transactions with each other and providing the feature of closing incoming entries
-Manage all outgoing transaction versions
-Printing delivery reports and performance reports

Features of the new electronic transactions system
The system achieves the concept of comprehensiveness by covering all basic, special and advanced requirements as follows:-
-Basic requirements such as: registration process, internal referral, follow-up and payment
- Special requirements, such as: the electronic archiving process, including basic scanning of paper and electronic transaction attachments and linking them to the transaction, with the ability to add different copies of documents according to the workflow.
- Advanced requirements, such as: modifying the standard workflow, customizing the general appearance of the system, modifying performance standards, and enabling graphical follow-up according to the workflow map
Application interface:
All components of the system have a web application interface, including basic scanning operations. Therefore, it is not necessary to install any programs on the workstation except for the Internet browser. Due to the system’s reliance on FileNet software, the system provides application interfaces ready to work on global electronic portal systems, including Microsoft SharePoint and IBM Web Sphere Portal
The possibility of dealing with the electronic government transactions system is easy
FileNet software basically supports the structuring of building services and is built on this feature so that transactions can be exported and imported to and from external parties without the need for printing and traditional paper delivery while ensuring the confidentiality of transactions.
search :
The search process comes as a standard to assist in follow-up and reporting operations, as the process is carried out on the indexing fields in the system’s database, which also supports searching the content of documents related to transactions if they are saved as electronic text files or digital images through the digital character recognition (OCR) program.
The system comes with a standard set of reports that cover the requirements of senior management, such as: employee performance reports and types of transactions. It also covers the requirements of middle management and executive management.
Security and confidentiality:
The system supports standard global security systems to preserve transactions and the information they contain, which is not available in traditional paper-based systems. It provides multiple levels of confidentiality, namely secret, top secret, top secret, and prohibited from access.
