About the assembly:
The establishment of the association:
The scientific Saudi association for Islamic culture has been established in 8/7/1428 A.H according to the approval of the council of king Faisal University in the sixth session in the year 1427/1428 A.H, depended on the decision of the high education council No. 10-15-1420 A.H. which its headquarter in the faculty of education in El Ehsa'.
The headquarter:
Faculty of education, king Faisal University
Aims of the association:
· Developing the scientific thoughts in the field of Islamic culture and working on its development and expansion.
· Keeping the scientific continuance for the association's members and proving the chance for those working in the fields of interest of the association to participate in the cultural progress in these fields.
· Providing the scientific advice in the cases related to the Islamic culture and making the necessary studies to risen the level of performance in all fields of interest of the association related to the institutions and other organizations.
· Developing the scientific and professional performance for the members of the association.
· Facilitating the process of scientific exchange and cultural visions in the fields of interest between the related organizations and institutions inside and outside the kingdom.
· Participating in setting proper standards in specialization of the association.
· Raising the level of scientific conscious for the public basing on the principals of tolerance and intermediation in Islam.
Activities of the association:
The association achieves the goals mentioned in the second article through the following:
- Encouraging making the researches and cultural advices.
- Composition and translation of scientific books in the field of intellect and culture, and all other related fields.
- Holding seminars, symposiums and courses related the cultural fields.
- Publishing studies, pamphlets and scientific periodicals related to scientific fields.
- Participating in the national and international exhibitions.
- Inviting scientists and intellectuals who are related to the activities of the association according to the organizing procedures.
- Participating in the cultural awareness in the fields of specialization of the association.
Membership, terms and procedures:
The membership of the association has three kinds:
To be given by a decision to be made by the assembly of the association to all who participated in developing the fields of interests or provided financial or moral services. Those members are exempt from paying the fees of membership, and are allowed to attend the sessions of the assembly and the different committees and participating in discussions.
This membership is given according to the following conditions:
- The applicant of the membership should have a scientific degree in any of the Islamic specialties.
- The applicant should be one of those specialized in Islamic culture, or had taught any of the Islamic cultural subjects in the college before, or had a cultural production according to the standards of the association.
- The applicant should be one of the residents of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- The applicant should pay an annual fee of 200 SR.
- Any more suitable terms to be add to the previous terms by the board of directors.
- The decision of accepting the applicant must be approved board of directors.
- Membership of claiming relationship:
This membership to be given to:
- Postgraduates in the field of Islamic studies.
- Workers and those who are interested in the fields of the association who are not up to the terms and conditions of the working membership or the honorary membership.
- The members of this kind are to pay an annual fee of 100 SR.
To join the association, the membership form should be filled on the website of the association directly or to be sent to the fax of the association.
Post Address:
P.O. 400
El Ehsa' 31982.
Tel: 035812719/2275
Tel: 035800000
Fax: 035812978
E-mail: ssaic@kfu.edu.sa