The system of the association:
The decision of establishing the scientific Saudi association for Islamic culture is based on the decision of the king Faisal University in the sixth session in the year 1427/1428 A.H, depended on the decision of the high education council No. 10-15-1420 A.H. approved by the king of Saudi Arabia, the prime minister and the minister of high education No. 284/m dated on 16/3/1421 A.H.
The regulating rules of the scientific Saudi association for Islamic culture
Term one:
A scientific association is to be established named the regulating rules of the scientific Saudi association for Islamic culture, under the supervision of the king Faisal University. This association is to practice its activities in developing the theoretical and applied knowledge, providing consults and scientific and applied studies for the public and private sectors in the field of Islamic culture according the regulating rules of the scientific associations in Saudi universities.
Term two:
Aims of the association:
- Developing the scientific thought in the field of Islamic culture and working on its progress and activation.
- Keeping the scientific continuance for the association's members and proving the chance for those working in the fields of interest of the association to participate in the cultural progress in these fields.
- Providing the scientific advice in the cases related to the Islamic culture and making the necessary studies to risen the level of performance in all fields of interest of the association related to the institutions and other organizations.
- Developing the scientific and professional performance for the members of the association.
- Facilitating the process of scientific exchange and cultural visions in the fields of interest between the related organizations and institutions inside and outside the kingdom.
- Participating in setting proper standards in specialization of the association.
- Raising the level of scientific conscious for the public basing on the principals of tolerance and intermediation in Islam.
Term three:
Activities of the association:
The association achieves the goals mentioned in the second article through the following:
- Encouraging making the researches and cultural advices.
- Composition and translation of scientific books in the field of intellect and culture, and all other related fields.
- Holding seminars, symposiums and courses related the cultural fields.
- Publishing studies, pamphlets and scientific periodicals related to scientific fields.
- Participating in the national and international exhibitions.
- Inviting scientists and intellectuals who are related to the activities of the association according to the organizing procedures.
- Participating in the cultural awareness in the fields of specialization of the association.
Term four:
Procedures of establishing the association:
After making the decision of establishing the association, until the staff of the association is formed, all specializations and procedures are to be handled by a temporary founding committee to be formed by the scientific council in king Faisal University between five members who would eliminate one of them to be the chairman of the committee. This committee will be relieved from its tasks by holding the first session of the general assembly and choosing members of the board, and the committee is to provide a detailed report about whatever accomplished by the committee.
Term five:
Membership, terms and procedures:
The membership of the association has three kinds:
This membership is given according to the following conditions:
1. The applicant of the membership should have a scientific degree in any of the Islamic specialties.
2. The applicant should be one of those specialized in Islamic culture, or had taught any of the Islamic cultural subjects in the college before, or had a cultural production according to the standards of the association.
3. The applicant should be one of the residents of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
4. The applicant should pay an annual fee.
5. Any more suitable terms to be add to the previous terms by the board of directors.
6. The decision of accepting the applicant must be approved board of directors.
To be given by a decision to be made by the assembly of the association to all who participated in developing the fields of interests or provided financial or moral services. Those members are exempt from paying the fees of membership, and are allowed to attend the sessions of the assembly and the different committees and participating in discussions.
- Membership of claiming relationship:
This membership to be given to:
- Postgraduates in the field of Islamic studies.
- Workers and those who are interested in the fields of the association who are not up to the terms and conditions of the working membership or the honorary membership.
Term six:
Terminating membership:
The membership of a member of the association is to be terminated in the following cases:
- In case of withdrawal or death of the member.
- In case of not paying the annual fee after a year of claiming it.
- In case of loosing one of the terms of the membership.
Term seven:
Membership resumption:
It is allowed that a membership of a member who lost it to be resumed by a decision made by the board of directors based on his appeal after the removal of the causes of terminating the former membership.
Term eight:
General assembly
Forming the general assembly and its meetings.
The general assembly is to be formed by all members who matched the terms of the membership.
The general assembly holds an a ordinary meeting once a year in a specified date due to an invitation from the chairman, the directors board is to set the agenda of the general assembly and the meeting won't be considered valid unless the majority of the members, in case of not applying this term, it is possible that another meeting to be held in two weeks later and it would be considered valid regardless to the number of attendants.
Basing on a request from the directors board or five member of the general assembly, it's allowed to hold an extra ordinary meeting in case of needed.
Term nine:
Specializations of the general assembly:
The general assembly seeks to achieve the goals of the association as it is entitled to:
· Setting the rules of internal work in the association.
· Setting the annual budget and approving its balance sheet every year.
· Approving the annual report.
· Choosing the directors board.
· Setting the work plan made by the directors' board and discussing the agenda.
· Suggesting the establishing other branches of the association according to a recommendation from the directors' board.
· Hiring an outsider accountant to review all the accounts of the association and defining his salary.
· Suggesting the dissolve of the assembly.
· Electing the members of the directors' board.
Term ten:
Honorary president of the association:
Based on the suggestion of the directors' board of assigning an honorary president to the scientific association who is one of the persons famous for being interested in the fields of work of the association for a renewable period of three years, and he is entitled to has the presidency of the sessions he attends, and this would be by a decision made by the university council.
Term eleven:
Sources of the association and its budget:
First: the association depends basically on its resources of its own which are:
1. The outcome of the annual subscription of the members.
2. The outcome of selling the publications, pamphlets and all the services provided by the association.
3. The income of holding seminars, symposiums, courses, programs and workshops.
4. Gifts, donations and endowments provided by the university, organizations and individuals.
Second: the budget of the association and the final accounts:
1. The financial year of the association begins and ends with the financial year of the university.
2. The financial accounts are made according to the professional rules and customs.
Term twelve:
Forming the directors' board:
1. The director's board consists of some of the working members no more than 9 chosen by the general assembly by secret election, provided that one-third of them must be attributed to the university that established the association.
2. The period of membership is 3 years which are renewable.
3. In case it happened that any of the members of the directors' board didn't attend 3 meeting on the roll without an accepted excuse, the directors' board is entitled to consider him resigned.
4. In case there is a vacancy in the directors' board for any reason, the directors' board is entitled to assign another one provided that being approved by the directors' board in the first next session.
5. The director's board can elect one of its members to be the chairman by secret election for a one time renewable period of 3 years, provided that he must be attributed to the university sponsoring the association, as the board is entitled to choose a deputy, board secretary and a financial secretary.
6. The chairman is considered a representative in front of every other parties and acts on behalf of the association in communication between the association and formal and non-formal organization in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia according to the regulating rules and he has the presidency of the general assembly.
Conditions need in a member of the directors' board:
1. To be one of the distinguished in the field of activities that the association is interested in.
2. To have a scientific degree in one of the specializations of the association three years ago.
3. To had a two experience by being a member of the association as a working or an associate member except for the new associations.
Term thirteen:
The meetings of the directors' board
The directors' board holds an ordinary meeting every three months, the meetings will not considered valid unless attended by the majority of the members, and the board is entitled to ask for holding extraordinary meetings every time it happens that more than half of its members or five of members of the general assembly or the chairman, in this case the meeting would be limited to discussing the topics that the meeting was held specifically for.
The decisions of the directors' board is made by the majority of the attendants, in case it happens that the votes are equals, the vote of the chairman will be the deciding vote.
Term fourteen:
The specializations of the chairman of the directors' board:
1. Suggesting the budget of the association.
2. Setting the agenda of the general assembly.
3. Suggesting the general policy of the association in the frame of the goals mentioned in the rules and displaying them to the general assembly to be approved.
4. Suggesting the internal rules of the association and organizing its work.
5. Forming the specializing committees and groups to perform the functions of the association and its activities.
6. Making the annual report about the activities of the association to be delivered to the councils in charge in the university after being approved by the general assembly.
7. Specifying the annual fee of subscription of the members.
8. Giving orders of making studies and researches.
9. Approving holding seminars, symposiums and courses according the regulating rules followed by the university.
10. Accepting gifts, donations, endowments and awarding.
Term fifteen:
General provisions
1. The activities of the association are connected to the principal of king Faisal University.
2. The association sets its executive rules not inconsistence with the terms of these rules and must be approved by the council of king Faisal University.
3. The record of the general assembly and the directors' board must be approved by the principal of the king Faisal University or whoever delegated on behalf of the king Faisal University.
4. In case of having troubles between the chairman of the association or the directors' board and the principal of the king Faisal University, the topic will be subjected to the university council to be discussed and the decision made will be final.
5. In case the scientific association is dissolved, all its properties will go to the king Faisal University.
6. If the association had been moved from ownership of the king Faisal University to another university, all properties and document will be moved to the new university.
Work rules of the scientific Saudi association for Islamic culture
First: The job description and the functions of the chairman:
A. Qualifications must be found in the chairman:
1. He has to be one of the teaching staff specialized in Islamic studies. And related to Islamic culture.
2. He must have all the qualifications of the chairman mentioned in the twelfth term of the regulating rules with no exception.
B. Functions of the chairman:
1. Heading all the meetings of the association and voting, in case the votes are equals, his vote will be considered the final decision.
2. Approving the agenda of the directors' board and supervising the execution of his decisions.
3. Inviting the members of the assembly to attend the periodic meeting according to the set record and the agenda.
4. Inviting the members of the assembly to attend the emergency meetings to discuss the crucial matters.
5. Mandating his deputy to head the sessions of the assembly in case of his absence or travel.
6. Signing the records of the sessions and the administrative decisions.
7. Approving the budget of the association and discussing it with the members to make the proper decisions about it.
8. Signing all the checks and financial documents with the financial secretary.
9. Making invitations for holding scientific meetings, seminars and symposiums.
10. Making periodic (technical and administrative) visits for the branches of the association in the different areas.
11. Representing the association in Arabic and international meetings.
12. Representing the association in front of the administrative and judicial organizations.
13. Coordinating between the different associations and organizations in all activities related to the association.
14. Signing all the contracts and agreements approved by the council on behalf of the association.
15. Making decisions in emergency matters that can't be delayed to the meeting of the directors' board and will have all the specializations of the council.
Second: The job description and the functions of the deputy:
A. Qualifications must be found in the deputy:
1. He has to be one of the teaching staff specialized in Islamic studies. And related to Islamic culture.
2. He must have all the qualifications of the chairman mentioned in the twelfth term of the regulating rules with no exception.
B. Functions of the deputy:
1. Assisting the chairman in his duties.
2. Acting on behalf of the chairman in case of his absence and having all his powers.
3. Heading the meeting of the directors' board in case of his absence or travel.
4. Making periodic visits to the branches of the association in the different areas with the chairman or on behalf of him.
5. Representing the association in Arabic and international meetings.
Third: The job description and the functions of the chairman:
A. Qualifications must be found in the general secretary:
1. He has to be one of the teaching staff specialized in Islamic studies. And related to Islamic culture.
2. He must have all the qualifications of the chairman mentioned in the twelfth term of the regulating rules with no exception.
B. Functions of the general secretary:
1. Preparing the agenda of the meeting of the directors' board and the general assembly and any other meetings related to the association.
2. Preparing the records and the decisions of those meetings to be recorded in special records to be viewed in front of the board in the next meeting to be voted after studying them.
3. Preparing a list of the names of the members of the assembly and their addresses and also the supervisors of the branches of the association in the other areas.
4. Keeping the records of the special sessions of the directors' board and the general assembly to be signed by the chairman.
5. Informing the members of the directors' board and the supervisors of the sub-offices about the movement of the membership every three months in a date no more than the first week of the fourth month by a formal letter by the chairman.
6. Executing the decisions of the directors' board.
7. Making the annual report about the activities of the association to be delivered to the directors' board.
8. Setting the agenda of the general assembly and working on inviting its members and to inform the directors' board and the chairman about all mentioned in the regulations.
9. Executing all administrative works of the association and prepare it to be reviewed by the chairman and make decisions about it.
10. He has the same professional description of the chairman except for the likelihood of voting and making the financial decisions.
Fourth: job description and the functions of the bursar:
The bursar is considered in charge of all the financial affairs of the association according to the system set by the directors' board and specifically specialized in:
1. General supervising on the financial sources and monitoring extracting receipts of the revenues, receiving, deposition in saving funds or the bank, also monitoring and handling the revenues and the expenses continuously in the records.
2. Being in charge of organizing the financial works, the budget, supervising it, taking notes to be shown to the directors' board.
3. Supervising the annual inventory and reporting the results of the inventory to all the members of the directors' board and the supervisors of the sub-offices.
4. Disbursement of all sums decided to be disbursed legally and keeping the verifying the disbursement or monitoring the disbursement and keeping the documents.
5. Reviewing the financial records, the accounts, financial documents after and before the disbursement and approving and keeping them.
6. Applying and executing the decisions of the directors' board related to the financial transactions provided that being matching to the terms of the budget.
7. Displaying the balance sheet and the general budget and any other financial reports to the directors' board.
8. Participating with the secretary in setting the budget of the next year and displaying it to the directors' board to be approved by the chairman.
9. Looking for any notes about the expenses, revenues, the general budget as a preparation of displaying the whole subject to the directors' board.
10. He is responsible for answering any question forwarded to the association about the income, expenses and the general budget.
11. Signing with the chairman or the deputy on the bills and checks.
Fifth: job description and the functions of a member of the directors' board of the associations:
A. Qualifications must be found in a member of the directors' board of the association:
1. He has to be one of the teaching staff specialized in Islamic studies. And related to Islamic culture.
2. He must have all the qualifications of the chairman mentioned in the twelfth term of the regulating rules with no exception.
B. Functions of a member of the directors' board of the association:
1. Attending the meetings of the association after receiving an invitation from the chairman or the deputy and discussing the topics on the table and voting.
2. Discussing all the different financial and administrative topics with the rest of the members that need decisions.
3. After being assigned by the chairman or the deputy, he makes field (administrative technical) visits to the branches of the association in the areas and makes reports of them to the chairman.
4. He can participate in seminars and international and national meetings after being assigned by the chairman and make a report of it.
5. Suggesting programs or activities that seek the development of the association.
Sixth: job description and the functions of the supervisor of the sub-office:
A. Qualifications must be found in the supervisor of a sub-office:
1. He has to be one of the teaching staff specialized in Islamic studies. And related to Islamic culture.
2. He must have all the qualifications of the chairman mentioned in the twelfth term of the regulating rules with no exception.
B. Functions of a member of the supervisor of a sub-office:
1. He has the same duty and responsibilities of the chairman in his area of responsibility.
2. He heads the periodic and emergency meetings in his branch of the association.
3. He makes the budget of the branch under his supervision.
4. He invites the members of directors' board of his branch to meetings to discuss the related matters in case it is necessary.
5. He votes in the elections of the branch and the directors' board of the association.
6. He participates in the meetings of the general assembly and the directors' board.
7. He has the right of disposal of 50% of the fee of subscription of the registered assembly members in the branch under his supervision to facilitate the financial and administrative matters of the branch.