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King Faisal University

Fish Resources Research Center

 Vision, Mission and Goals

Excellence in consultancy and scientific researches for the development of fisheries resources at the regional and international level.

To participate in achieving sustainable fisheries resources in Saudi Arabia in General, and in the Arabian Gulf, in particular, through applied research, extension, and training.
Objectives of the Center:
1. To develop methods for improving the performance and productivity of the Gulf area natural fisheries to achieve sustaianble yield and supporting this with integrated marine aquaculture.
2. To conduct scientific research to develop modern techniques in fish production and foster its dessimination in the Kingdom.
3. To devlop models of biological economy for multiple species fisheries, geers, and production sytems to improve economic profits.
4. To study the marine environoment, creatures, pollution types and develop techniques to overcome and eradicate pollution.
5. To propose utilization methods for nontraditional marine protein resources such as algea and halophytes to help achieving food security.
6. To activate the center's partnership with the society for resprocal enrichment throughout training programs, workshops, conferences, research bullitens, counsultaions in the areas of marine resources.
7. To establish various databases congaing regional and global fishery statistics, aquatic living resources information, researchers' information, and connect it global and Gulf Researchers network.
