Course Title : Pediatrics
Course Designation: 11819 (01-601 1006)
Course Duration : 9 weeks clinical clerkship
Course Units : 9 Credit Hours
The topics covered are:
Introduction |
Mental Retardation |
Nephrotic Syndrome |
History taking (6systems) |
The Floppy Child |
Glomerulonephritis |
Growth and Development |
Flaccid Paralysis |
Hypertension |
Infant Feeding |
Croup Syndrome |
Acute Renal failure |
Failure to Thrive |
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection |
Diarrheal Disorder |
Infantile Rickets |
Otitis Media |
Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy |
Vitamin Deficiency |
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection |
Meningitis |
The Child with Pallor I |
The Child with Cardiac murmur I |
Viral Hepatitis |
The Child Pallor II |
The Child with Cardiac murmur II |
The Diabetic child |
Child with Bruises and Bleeding |
Acute Rheumatic Fever |
Thyroid Disorder |
Low Birth Weight and Prematurity |
Congestive Heart Failure |
The Febrile Child |
Neonatal Infection |
Leukemia |
Exanthematous Disorders |
Birth Asphyxia and Resuscitation |
Solid Tumors in Infancy and Childhood |
Vaccine & Vaccination Procedure |
The Newborn with Respiratory Distress |
Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
The Child with Respiratory Distress |
Infant Born to Diabetic Mothers |
Childhood Tuberculosis |
The Wheezy Child |
The newborn with Jaundice |
The child with Cyanosis |
Poisoning |
The Chromosomal Disorders |
The Child with Convulsions |
Behavioural Disorders |
This document also provides guidance to faculties, department, and faculty members implementing this curriculum. The curriculum of each department outlines the knowledge that students will acquire and the practical skills that students will develop during their undergraduate education and internship. This core curriculum comprises approximately 80% of the department's entire curriculum. The remaining 20% is designed and implemented by the departments themselves, including the allocation of more time to specific topics and/or the addition of new topics to the curriculum.
(Lectures/skill labs/tutorials/bedside exam./OPD/review articles, etc.)
1. Lectures are given by faculty members using audiovisual facilities.
2. Tutorials are prepared by the students consulting multiple sources, then commented upon by the faculty as a lecture.
3. Clinical teaching includes recording of complete history and physical examination, listing of problems and a plan for investigation and management; followed by discussion and differential diagnosis.
4. Clinical teaching of short cases, spot diagnosis, system examination and evaluation in ICU weekly.
5. Clinical subjects teaching by the faculty after receiving review articles for many pediatrics clinical problems prepared by the students & evaluated by all the faculty members.
The goals of this core curriculum in pediatrics are:
To support acquisition of basic knowledge of normal abnormal growth and development (physical, physiologic, psychosocial), and its clinical application from birth through adolescence
To enable students to provide basic health care for individuals in the Pediatric age group (neonates, infants, children and adolescents)
To provide students with an appropriate background covering the common and important Pediatric emergencies and diseases.
To enable the development and application of appropriate professional, attitudes, communication and problem solving skills.
• Professional conduct and attitude:
*Use interpersonal communication skills
*Apply principles of advocacy, empowerment, human rights, and gender issues to care provision.
*Demonstrate professional behavior and team work.
• Clinical skills:
Take a patient history
Perform basic physical examination, including vital signs
Apply appropriate infection prevention practices/universal precautions
Perform record keeping/documentation
Apply principles of evidence-based medicine for problem solving/decision making.
Provide basic health care from the newborn period through adolescence
• Perform initial assessment of newborns and identify deviations from normal.
• Assess growth & development of infants , children, & adolescents, and identify deviations from expected patterns.
• Determine sexual maturity levels of adolescent males and females
• Recognize abnormal behaviors in children and adolescents
• Obtain neonatal/infant dietary history and determine adequacy of diet;
• Promote breastfeeding
• Assess nutritional status of children and adolescents
• Assess immunization status and prescribe immunizations according to schedule
• Identify risk behaviors in infants, children and adolescents (to be emphasized in community medicine)
• Provide family counseling.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
• Describe normal growth and development during infancy, childhood and adolescence.
• Describe appropriate management for abnormalities affecting growth and development.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of congenital and inherited diseases on children and their families.
• Determine the nutritional requirements and the most common nutritional disorders affecting infants & children and describe appropriate management for disorders.
• Describe the indications, contraindications, administration and precautions of the immunizations necessary for infants and children according to the national schedule and the condition of the child.
• Recognize the most important behavioral and social issues during childhood and adolescence.
• Describe appropriate measures for health promotion as well as prevention of disease and injury in infants ,children and adolescents.
• Cite the management priorities for different neonatal and Pediatric emergencies.
• Describe the causes and pathogenesis of the most important neonatal and Pediatric problems.
• Describe the clinical symptoms and signs of the most important neonatal and Pediatric problems.
• Identify the appropriate diagnostic tools (and describe how they would be interpreted) and therapeutic lines for the most important neonatal and Pediatric problems.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
• Check vital signs in neonates, infants, children and adolescents.
• Assess physical and mental development in neonates, infants, children & adolescents according to standard milestones recognize abnormalities.
• Perform appropriate clinical and anthropometrics assessments for the nutritional status of infants and children.
• Recognize different neonatal and Pediatric emergencies.
• Construct a proper history for a patient in the Pediatric age group.
• Perform an adequate clinical examination for a patient in the Pediatric age group and identify deviations from normal.
• Interpret patient's data in an organized and informative manner.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
• Interpret the most important symptoms and signs of disease in Pediatric patients.
• Formulate appropriate management plans for individual patients presenting with the most common Pediatric disorders.
• Make decisions regarding common clinical situations using appropriate problem solving skills.
• Interpret X ray and CT films, blood gas and blood picture reports covering the most important Pediatric conditions.
• Communicate effectively with children, adolescents and their families.
• Demonstrate appropriate professional attitudes and behaviors in different practice situations.
The student should be evaluated during the course (formative assessment)
In form of weekly Quiz; Tutorial Presentation; History & Clinical Examinations and Sheet Formation; Review Articles &Mid Rotation Exam.
As well as at the end of the course (summative assessment).
In form of written examination; clinical examinations & oral examination.
The reliability and validity of assessment methods should be monitored.
Methods of assessment include:
•Objective written examinations ------- 40%
•Objective structured clinical examinations------ 40%
[( OSCE ) included X- rays ; pictures ; reports ; solving clinical problem- 15%
Objective structured oral examinations -----5%;
Case studies, clinical scenarios, and patient problem solving ------20% (long case ---15%; short case ---5%)]
•Continuous assessment --- 20%-
[ Mid rotation written exam ---10%
(Review articles 4% ;clinical activity 3% ;tutorial activity 3% )---10%].
Study Plan
6th Year Medical Students
Total Duration of Rotation (9 weeks)
Total Working Days (45 days)
Duration of Teaching the Course 8 weeks (40 Days)
Duration of Evaluation 1 week (5 Days)
No. of Sections : 4 Sec. (A-B-C & D)
No. of Students in each section 14 students - 13 st. in Sec. D
1st Section Sec. D
Sections A will start by Internal Medicine for 9 weeks
Sections B will start by General Surgery for 9 weeks
Sections C will start by Obs. & Gynecology for 9 weeks
Sections D will start by Pediatrics for 9 weeks
After 9 weeks studying, sections (D&C) will swap with each other between Pediatrics and Obs. & Gynaecology departments in the first semester.
In same time, sections (A&B) will swap with each other in Internal Medicine and General Surgery departments in the same semester.
At the end of each rotation (9th week) a final clinical and written exams will be held for each Section.
• During Pediatrics rotation, the included Section will be further subdivided into 3 groups (Group I, Group II & Group III) .
• Each group will rotate for 7 weeks.
• The first week will be for introduction & lectures as well as skill lab for history taking and how to examine (general examination & all systems examination; each system on separate day).
• Lectures will be held daily between 11 :30--2 PM in Lecture Hall in the College of Medicine ,skill lab.Hall and Lecture Hall in Maternity &Children Hospital as shown in the attached schedule.
• Clinical activity is classified into history taking ,case presentation ,physical examination ,clinical discussion respectively for each group (as shown in attached schedule) in both M.&C. Hosp. and Ben Jallawy Hosp. between 8--11 AM ;three days / week. Everyday, clinical morning meeting at 7:30-8AM. Every Saturday and Tuesday free clinical rounds and attendance to pediatrics outpatients clinics (OPD) and ICU according to sp. rotation schedules are included.
• Office hours for all the members of the Pediatrics department, three days, from 11-- 11:30 AM in the hospital and from 10-11:30 AM ,two days at the collage of medicine(skill-lab.) .
• The last week for final exam, included written, clinical, oral and OSCE assessment.
The essential knowledge and practical skills required of students are outlined in this core curriculum.