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King Faisal University

College of Engineering


10.0Key Performance Indicators

KPIs Standard/Broad



Level at Which
 Data is Required


Mission & Objectives

1)       Stakeholder evaluation ratings of the Mission Statement and Objectives (Average rating on how well the mission is known or the proportion of policy decisions that refer to the mission among criteria for the decision made the on a five point scale).

Department/College/ Institution


Governance Administration

2)       Stakeholder evaluation of the Policy Handbook, including administrative flow chart and job responsibilities (Average rating on the adequacy of the Policy Handbook on a five point scale).

Department /College/Institution


Management of Quality Assurance  and Improvement

3)       Students overall evaluation on the quality of their learning experiences at the institution (Average rating of the overall quality of their program on a five point scale).


Exit Survey

4)       Proportion of courses in which student evaluations were conducted during the year.

Department / Institution

Analysis and Evaluation 

5)       Proportion of programs in which there was independent verification within the institution of standards of student achievement during the year.

Department /College Institution


6)       Proportion of programs in which there was independent verification of standards of student achievement by people external to the institution during the year.

College /Institution


Learning and  Teaching

7)       Ratio of students to teaching staff. (Based on full time equivalents)

Department / College/Institution  


8)       Students overall rating on the quality of their courses. (Average rating of students on a five point scale on overall evaluation of courses.)

Department / College/Institution

Student Course Evaluation 

9)       Proportion of teaching staff with verified doctoral qualifications.

Department / College/Institution


10)   Percentage of students entering programs who successfully complete first year.



11)   Proportion of students entering undergraduate programs who complete those programs in minimum time.

Program/Departmen/  College



12)   Proportion of students entering post graduate programs who complete those programs in specified time.

Program/College / Institution


13)   Proportion of graduates from undergraduate programs who within six months of graduation are: (a) employed  (b) enrolled in further study (c) not seeking employment or further study

Program/College / Institution


14)   Student evaluation of academic and career counselling. (Average rating on the adequacy of academic and career counselling on a five point scale).

Program/College / Institution

Exit Survey

15)   Stakeholder evaluation of library services (Average rating on adequacy of library services on a five point scale).

Program Institution Separate data for male and female sections and combined for all


Facilities and Equipment

16)   Number of accessible computer terminals per student.



17)   Average overall rating of adequacy of facilities and equipment in a survey of teaching staff.

Program/College / Institution

Facilities Survey

Learning and Resources

18)   Stakeholder evaluation of websites, web-based electronic data management system or electronic resources (for example:  institutional website provides resource sharing, networking & relevant information, including e-learning inter-active learning & teaching between students & faculty on a five point scale of an annual survey).

Program College Institution Separate data for male and female sections and combined for al


Facilities and  Equipment

19)   Stakeholder evaluation of e-learning services (Average overall rating of adequacy of hardware, software, website, access, teaching, assessment, and service on a five point scale of an annual survey).

Program/College / Institution


Faculty and Staff Employment  Processes

20)   Proportion of teaching staff leaving the institution in the past year for reasons other than age retirement.

Department  College Institution

QAU-Statistics Report

21)   Proportion of teaching staff participating in professional development activities during the past year.

Department  College Institution

No. Staff /No. Workshop Ratio


22)   Number of refereed publications in the previous year per full time equivalent member of teaching staff.  (Publications based on the formula in the Higher Council Bylaw excluding conference presentations)

Department  College Institution


23)   Number of citations in refereed journals in the previous year per full time equivalent teaching staff.

Department  College Institution


24)   Proportion of full time member of teaching staff with at least one refereed publication during the previous year.

Department  College Institution


25)   Number of papers or reports presented at academic conferences during the past year per full time equivalent members of teaching staff.

Department  College Institution


26)   Research income from external sources in the past year as a proportion of the number of full time teaching staff members.

Program College Institution


Community Service

27)   Proportion of full time teaching and other staff actively engaged in community service activities.

Department  College Institution

