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King Faisal University

College of Engineering

About the QAU

The Quality and Accreditation Unit (QAU) in the College of Engineering develops and implements procedures for the college to assess its teaching, research, training, administration and services to achieve its mission, using standards provided by NCAAA) and ABET in collaboration with the university Deanship of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (DoQAA). The QAU in the college oversees quality issues and needs such as study plan changes, programs, teaching, training and research requirements,  The QAU provides the framework, strategies and tools required for college, program and course surveys their analysis. This includes all courses offered by the college as well as courses offered from outside the college.

With the continuous and rigorous work of the quality unit, four engineering programs have been accredited in 2015 until September 2021. Meanwhile, the Biomedical Engineering Program is in the process of applying for ABET accreditation.


Roles and Responsibilities


·         Develop quality assurance policies, and procedures as well as activities planning,

·         Oversee the NCAAA and ABET requirements and followup.

·         Develop and review performance standards within the framework provided by DoQAA to meet required standards.

·         Prepare Annual program reports and self-study reports as well as relevant evidences in place for internal and external review.

·         Implement the recommendations made by internal and external reviews.

·         Inform faculty members, staff, students and the university administration informed of the evaluation results and recommendation implementation.

·         Conduct course report presentations at the end each semester along with courses files.

·         Maintain course files for all courses offered within the college as well as non-engineering courses.

·         Conduct workshops on various matters such as course planning, learning outcomes, course specification, course report and performance indicators.


Main activities of the QAU


·         Preparation of Program Specifications 

·         Program Report (NCAAA) along with ABET Components 

·         Preparation of Course Specification

·         Preparation of Course Reports

·         Filling up the QAU Template for Research activities

·         Filling up the QAU Template for Community Service

·         Evaluation of NCAAA KPIs

·         Organization of Course review



NCAAA Relevant Documents

·         QAU Report 2017-2018

·         Key Performance Indicators-NCAAA

·         Key Performance Indicators-College of Engineering 2018-2019

·         Course Specifications-new template

·         Course Report-new template

·         Guidelines for Program Accreditation

·         Annual Program Report Presentation Spring 2019





