First: The Startup of the
The Principal
Investigator submits the following:
1. Detailed list of the equipment
listed in the project and its expected prices. (Form101).
2. Detailed list of the chemicals
needed as stated in the project including amount, code, and expected price. (Form 102).
3. Proposed working team of the
project. (Form 103).
4. A list of detailed tasks assigned
to Co-investigators signed by the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators.
(Form 104).
5. Information of full time research
assistants who will be contracted including their assigned tasks and the
duration of the contract according to the project plan. A copy of C.V, Passport
or Iqama, Pledges, and the proposed contract. (Form 105)
6. List of Information of part time
research assistants attached with C.V, Detailed tasks, pledges, duration, and salary
according to the project. (Form 106)
7. Information of lab technicians, administrative
employees, and other professional employees indicating the duration and salary
according to the project plan to get the Unit's Approval. (Form 107).
8. Information of the graduate
students (Masters and Ph.D.) and
bachelor students indicating their tasks, duration, and bonus according to the
project's plan. (Form 108)
9. Statement of planned field trips
in the first and second year of the project indicating the expected attendants'
names, duration, purpose, and any other needed information. (Form 109)
10. Regarding any work force not
mentioned above, an approval must be taken from the science and technology unit
before assigning any work to them.
11. Bonuses cannot be processed
unless approved by the science and technology unit and allocating funds.
Second: Steps for
purchasing Equipment and Materials:
The following are the
procedural steps followed by the unit and the researcher.
1. Taking procedural measures in
place in the unit, the Science and Technology unit will make sure that is none
of the research equipment in the project is replicated.
2. The Principal Investigator places
a request to purchase research equipment after the science and technology unit
3. The science and technology unit
requests prices offers then send them to the principal investigator to select
suitable offer according to the regulations of the university.
4. If required, the purchase request is
presented to the technical committee for consulting. The committee meeting
decision is reported to the director of the science and technology unit.
5. All required papers are sent to
the financial unit to make the financial association.
6. A contract is issued through the
office of the vice president for higher education and scientific research and
sent to the contractor via the science and technology unit, which informs
principal investigator for follow up purpose.
7. The principal investigator
translates the bill and the price offers to Arabic and hands them to the
technical committee of the science and technology unit for revision and company's
approval (stamping).
8. The principal investigator prepares
a reception, installation, and operation report of the equipment. One member of
the receipting committee must be a member of the technical committee. (Form 202)
9. Filling the bill payment form
(Form 203)
10. In case of materials and
chemical, the same steps are taken in addition to making a record of reception
and dispatching of the materials (Form 203 from the college). One member of the
receipting committee must be a member of the technical committee.
11. The principal investigator hands
the whole transaction to the science and technology unit, which contains the
A. Price Offers (in English and Arabic) with a copy of the technical
committee in the science and technology unit approval.
B. Original contract from the company attached with valid official
certificates (Commercial Record, Chamber of Commerce, Certificate of Zakat,
Insurance, Saudization certificate) and the company stamped bill (English and
C. Records for reception, installation, and operation in addition to
records of receiving from the universities Inventory.
D. Dated guarantee certificate compatible with the date of equipment operation.
Third: Steps for obtaining
advance payment:
The principal
investigator has to follow the following steps to obtain advance payment from
the project's budget.
1. Filling the advance payment form (Form 301)
2. Attaching a list of the suggested
materials to buy and their expected prices on the condition that they do not
cost more than 25000 Saudi riyals. (Form 302)
3. Forms must be signed and handed to
the science and technology unit.
4. All previous advances must be
settled before submitting the required request form (Form304)
5. The unit reviews the request in
order to approve the advance payment.
6. The principal investigator prepares
a record for receiving the materials and attach it with the Bills Form (Form 303) and the original bills. All signed
papers are handed to the science and technology unit.
7. Each Project has a limit of one
advance payment each year depending on the period of the project.
Fourth: Steps for attending
1. The researcher fills the
Conferences details through (Sharik) system on the university website and abide
to the conferences attending rules of the king's science and technology city.
2. The researcher prints the form and
sends it to the Science and Technology Unit for approval.
3. After the initial approval from
the Science and Technology Unit, the researcher has to take all necessary
measures to get the approval from the university through (Sharik) System on the
university's website.
4. The following must be submitted
before attending the conference:
- The Science and Technology Unit
director approved form.
- Participation details (title, Type,
- University's approval for attending
the conference.
5. The researcher has to get the
approval from the science and technology unit on the Horizon Class airline
ticket From the Saudi Airlines Before attending the conference.
6. To complete payments balance, the
researcher has to submit the following:
Fifth: Financial Reports:
The Principal Investigator has to
submit a letter for financial reporting (Form 500)
on the condition that he selects the period for the report and attach the proper
type of financial report. There are three types of financial reports and two
modification forms:
Periodic Financial Report (Every 6 months) (Form 501).
- Annual Financial Report (Each Year)
(Form 502).
- Final Financial Report (Form 503)
- Budget adjustment form
- Budget adjustment approval form
Sixth: Budget adjustments:
The principal
researcher can adjust the approved project budget according to the following
1. The researcher may transfers between the elements
of the same provision of the budget in accordance with the regulations
contained in this article so that no more than (50%) of the provision budget is
transferred after the approval of the unit.
2. Fund can be transferred from any provision to the
Equipment provision.
3. Fund cannot be transferred from any provision to
the workforce and field trips provisions.
4. Money cannot be transferred form the Equipment
5. The researcher is entitled to adjust the budget twice
only during the period of the project according to the above-mentioned regulations.
6. The permissions for transferring budget between the
provisions of the project is granted by the science and technology unit, which
notify the city's general secretariat for all the decisions and reasons of transfers.
7. The researcher can transfer what is left from the
first year budget of a specific provision to the second year budget of the same
provision after the science and technology unit's approval.
Rewards payment:
To pay the researchers rewards the principal
investigator has to fill (Form 505) and
submit it to the Director of the unit or one of his associates.
Payment for research team and workforce in the project
distributed as follow:
instalment |
Statement |
Date of Disbursement |
first |
Salary and bonuses for the workers for the first 6 months of the first year excluding researchers
After signing the contract, approving the execution plan, and submitting the first periodic report of the project
second |
Salary and bonuses for the workers for the second 6 months of the year excluding researchers
After submitting the first year technical and financial report.
third |
Researchers rewards for the first year
After approving the yearly technical and financial report.
fourth |
Salary and bonuses for the workers for the first 6 months of the second year excluding researchers
After submitting the second periodic report.
fifth |
Salary and bonuses for the workers for the second 6 months of the second year excluding researchers
After submitting the Second year technical and financial report.
last |
Researchers rewards for the second year
After approving the final technical and financial report and submitting soft copy of the scientific findings for the project after publishing and closing the project from King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
There are many procedures that is done by the project principal
investigator on the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology's portal
system with a notification for the science and technology unit of these
procedures for proper action. These procedures include:
1. Changing a member of the research team.
2. Adjusting the budget or transferring from one
provision to another.
3. Requesting extension of the research
4. Uploading all Technical and Financial Reports.